Post by b***@gmail.comHe was a mainstay at RSB, one of the" old guard" - so to speak and one
of the contributors whose posts I rarely missed whenever I visited
this board.Like many others here, I respectfully offer my sincerest
I just saw this thread -- I didn't know he was a boxing fan, but knew
him through the Detroit Pistons and Lions newsgroups, where he was a
very frequent poster.
I'll share the sentiment that he was a great guy -- very knowledgeable
and clear opinions without being snarky or glib.
He had briefly mentioned some health issues in the past, and when he
suddenly stopped posting I feared something had happened to him. I
never knew anything about him offline, but based on his email address I
found this obituary, which might be of interest to people here:
Turns out he was a Vietnam vet who served in the infantry and earned 3
bronze stars. You can get a sense of what Detroit sports meant to him
from this 2006 post I just read via Google Groups:
I was only able to follow the Tiger's exploits via
Stars & Stripes newspaper and it was usually 2 weeks old
by the time we got it in the field. So, when we got the
issue that they had won (some time in late October I
believe), myself and another guy who was from Lincoln
Park toasted each other with some rotten free beer the
Army supplied us with.
I remember Chu Lai though I was never there. I was in
a 4.2 mortar platoon. They were mounted in the backs
of APCs, so we went all over the place supporting the
ground pounders. I worked my way up from ammo loader
to gunner to FDC chief which I really liked.
I remember a few missions where we had a battalion of
105 and 155 SPs with us. On one of those we got nearly
over ran and the 105's had to fire those bouncing
betty rounds. I don't know which was scarier, the
soldiers trying to overrun us or those bouncing betties
which when they exploded had a mind of their own!