"whatever newspapers write about" is generally more
interesting that antique usenet chatter from 1995.
Perhaps Jon Krakauer is but take a random pick and it
is 50/50.
Have a look below. I found a list [1] from which
I yanked those entries I felt were the most
interesting. I also wrote some comments [like this].
Neither real nor unreal journalists should resign this
immense treasure of information - facts, attitudes,
disputes, the whole scene *exactly* as it was, and can
*never* be reconstructed at the public library
decades later.
1981 June A logical map of Usenet when it was still small
October TCP/IP Digest #1
1982 March First mention of MTV
[Jenny McCarthy, Sandy Hill Pittman
- good :))]
April ditto Sun Microsystems
[They did neat commercial UNIXes,
e.g. SunOS, but also hideous Java.]
July ditto the compact disc (CD)
[Paved the way for all worthless
cinematic games but also the
worthless multimedia worlds were
people pretended ot learn stuff.
And the CD-ROM porn boom which at
least never claimed it was anything
but worthless.]
August ditto C64
[The C64 demo scene in Europe -
nothing short of fantastic!
Dream on, yankies, and do your
network-hacking thing...]
August ditto Lisa and the Mac
[Together with the IBM PC, this
meant a long-lasting *huge* setback
for the distributed mainframe and
the whole associated CLI/batch/"DP"
model of computing (in favor of
the desktop s**t.) *Sob!* But were
are back! :) ...maybe]
November Early reference to emoticons
December Announcement of first cell phone deployment in Chicago
1983 September Stallman's announcement of GNU
[The GNU/Linux/X distros and the
whole FOSS culture down the line.]
1984 August First mention of the Commodore Amiga
[Geeks are still not getting any
girlfriends, the manufacturer
1987 January Announcement of UUNET
[To be marvelous Usenet and Gmane
further down.]
1989 February First mention of Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
[The notorious hysteric playground
for havoc kids with a tech frenzy
that is only equaled by their
immaturity and
inferiority feelings.]
1991 August Tim Berners-Lee's announcement of the World Wide Web project
October Linus Torvalds' Linux announcement
[Both those - no comments :)]
1994 January Instance of first mass spamming
April Instance of first commercial mass spamming (more on spam history)
[I include this to show that not
only "superstar news" (i.e.,
discussion topics) were present.
Even so, interesting for anti-spam
people today, I'd recon!]
[1] https://support.google.com/groups/answer/6003482?hl=en
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