I just saw Katsidis vs. Amonsot - the whole fight is available on
YouTube. (With software to download the actual file, YT is actually
great! -- never thought I'd say that...)
Mr. Katsidis is very far from my view of what makes up the ideal
fighter - no jabs, every shot thrown to take you out for good (and
that tattoo and helmet showbiz thing...) - but nonetheless, a though
guy with a merciless attitude (toward himself, not the least). His
fights are - well, unconventional, unusual.
Emanuel Steward (RIP) made an interesting comment about Aussie
fighters - that they are very though, even more so than Filipinos. And
that says a lot!
Emanuel Berg - programmer (hire me! CV below)
computer projects: http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573
internet activity: http://home.student.uu.se/embe8573