(c) 2018 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 31 March, 2018
And thus you will observe, my existentialist usage of language and
essentially concordant actions are as NATURAL AND PRACTICED conduct
whose primary virtue is the determination of an authenticity as
consciousness which is then instantiated within time. This is a civil
consequence as the product of my social and work experience, which has
conformity with this as a life principle, being a non-stubborn
characteristic that is given to the voluntary exercise as to an AUTONOMY
SEE ALSO: "Master Class of James Patterson Teaches Writing"
But just now an ethereal thought on how to remedy this promiscuous /
daemonic self righteous circumstance {#5 - Act of Nature} as
consequential abrogation of individual integrity {#1 - Nature Contains
Nature}, loss of popularity {#2 - Nature Rejoices in its Nature},
avoidance of inextricable *DILEMMA* {#3 - Nature Surmounts Nature} and
to facilitate subtle intuition {#4 - Nature Amended in its Nature} which
is causal to being within the space / time dynamic in promulgating an
unimpeded process that in this example of reading, is the traversal of
consciousness within the fabric of time itself.
The proposition is a metempirical / metaphysical (ie. outside time)
consideration made of *DETERMINISM* which is the: "observation
concerning the theoretical notion of cosmic elasticity as intrinsic to
the conception of a measured reality is then made in relation to the
process of instantiation within the temporality by a consideration of
whether in the circumstance of *DILEMMA* this occurs as being entirely a
promiscuous {ie. demonstrating or implying an unselective approach;
indiscriminate or casual} processes as primitivistic opportunism and
survivalist ‘street savvy’ or as a definitive function of reflexology
{ie. ignited by a hot zone within the noumena prism of possibilities}
itself where the scope as degree of probability as the permissibility of
any consequence that is determinate and obtained both from the meta-data
descriptors and the mundane content of any responses made to the
consideration of such as attempts to preserve the self ego as formula of
autonomy within the transit of the continuum as the fabric to time itself."
#419 as [#2, #1, #6, #400, #10] = 'avvah (H185): {#0 as #12
*EMPIRE* *GOVERNANCE* *PROTOTYPE* #FOUR: #108 / #324} 1) desire, lust,
will (not necessarily evil);
#419 as [#6, #2, #5, #6, #400] = havvah (H1942): {#1 as #16 (*)
*EMPIRE* *GOVERNANCE* *PROTOTYPE* #EIGHT: #120 / #360} 1) desire; 2)
chasm (fig. of destruction); 1a) desire (in bad sense); 2a) engulfing
ruin, destruction, calamity;
#419 as [#9, #2, #8, #400] = tabach (H2873): {#2 as #19 *INTERFERENCE*
*GOVERNANCE* *PROTOTYPE* #THREE: #105 / #315} 1) to slaughter, slay,
butcher, kill ruthlessly; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to slaughter, butcher; 1a2) to
slay, kill ruthlessly (fig.);
48 8 64
56 40 24
16(*) 72 32 = #120 / #360 {#EIGHT}
#8 (9) - KHATEL (Seraphim-Angels) = #8
#16 (8) - HAQMYAH (Cherubim-Angels) = #24
#24 (7) - HAHOUYAH (Throne-Angels) = #48
#32 (6) - OUSHRYAH (Dominion-Angels) = #80
#40 (5) - YEIZEL (Powers-Angels) = #120 <--- [*HITLER'S* *TABLE* *TALK*
SOCIALISM): One day the English will realise that they've nothing to
gain in Europe... *IF* *THEY* *WANT* *TO* *SAVE* *NEW* *ZEALAND* *AND*
*AUSTRALIA*, they can't let India go.
The English have two possibilities : either to give up Europe and hold
on to the East, or vice versa. They can't bet on both tables. When it's
a matter of the richest country in the world (from the capitalist point
of view), one understands the importance of such a *DILEMMA* (NOTE: SEE
would be enough for them to be aware of it for everything to be changed.
#48 (4) - MIHEL (Virtues-Angels) = #168
#56 (3) - PHOHEL (Principalities-Angels) = #224 {*MENS* *REA*: #334 as
[#40, #4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40] = derek (H1870): {#1 as #224} 1)
way, road, distance, journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey;
1c) direction; 1d) manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life (fig.); 1f)
of moral character (fig.)}
#224 as [#4, #70, #20, #10, #40, #70, #10] = dokimos (G1384): {#61 as
#224} 1) accepted, particularly of coins and money; 2) accepted,
pleasing, acceptable
#64 (2) - MEHIEL (Archangels-Angels) = #288 as ANTI-SEMITISM: #364 as
[#10, #8, #200, #80, #6, #50, #10] = charaph (H2778): {#1 as #288
taunt, *BLASPHEME*, defy, jeopardise, rail, upbraid; 2) (Qal) to
*WINTER*, spend harvest time, remain in harvest time; 3) (Niphal) to
acquire, *BE* *BETROTHED*; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REPROACH*; 1b) (Piel) *TO*
#72 (1) - MOUMYAH (Angels-Angels) = #360
The doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately
determined by causes regarded as external to the will. Some philosophers
have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no
free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions.
Many philosophical theories of determinism frame themselves with the
idea that reality follows a sort of predetermined path {*MENS* *REA*:
#334 as #40, #4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): {#1 as #224}
1) way, road, distance, journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b)
journey; 1c) direction: north, east, south, west; 1d) manner, habit,
way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) of moral character
*DILEMMA* (noun):
- A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.
- Any difficult or perplexing situation or problem.
- [Logic]: A form of meta-dialectic syllogism *SUCH* *AS* *THE* *TEN*
#A {Major Premise},
#B {Minor Premise},
#C {Assumptive Proposition},
#D {Restatement of a Sacred / Sovereign Principle}
Universal Law}, which contains the law of that will: 7 x 24 *COURSES*
*OF* *PRIESTS* x 13 = 2184 days of the 'oth cycle = 6D or 6 x 364
associated to the 'constant sequence of sun and moon' as 354 x 3 + 30
day intercalation = 1092 days x 2 = 2184 days.
"And God spake all these words, saying, 'I am the LORD thy God, which
have brought thee out of the land of Egypt {that troubles or oppresses;
anguish}, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods
before me..." [Exodus 20:1-3 (KJV)]
Humanity}, which contains the command to behave in accordance with the
law, that is, the principle of subsumption under the law: x 49 = 6J or
294 x 364 days or 365.2425 x 293 years - Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20
March 1996 / 21 March = 1 Nisan 5756;
"... Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the
LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
commandments..." [Exodus 20:5-6 (KJV)]
Autonomy}, which contains the verdict (sentence), what is laid down as
right in the case at hand: ... 6,000 as 122J3W1D + 9(9²+1)/2 as #369
with SEPTET #41 centric on 13-17 September 2001 / 18 September = 1
Tishri 5762.
The Roman writer Censorinus, who in his 238 CE publication De Die
Natali, claims that the Pythagorean advocate Philolaus (470-385 BCE) as
preceeding PLATO (c. 429–347 BCE), as the principle proponent of the
Pythagorean doctrines, considered the natural year as also consisting of
364 and a half days and consistent with the Chinese HAN Dynasty (206
BCE-220CE) understanding (#81 x 4.5 days = 364.5 days) of them.
[Pythagorean Sourcebook p 171]
The Chinese DAOist perspective of the natural year (as equivalent to the
New Testament notion as TROCHOS-course of NATURE-genesis [James 3:6])
associated to Yang Hsiung's treatise that was published within 4 BCE and
known as the "Canon of Supreme Mystery", reconciled it's unified
arrangement of the DAO TE CHING's #81 sections as specifically the
ternary (tetragrammaton) HOMOIOS paradigm value: TETRA: 60 -
ACCUMULATION, which is mapped to the I CHING's H64 designations (of
necessity some are repeated) as the binary paradigm value: H26 - GREAT
According to the 4.5 day designations of this natural year cycle into
#81 sections, this would then equate the #CENTRE as 13 to 17 September;
"...Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the
LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.'" [Exodus
20:7 (KJV)]
also possible to divide the number of days in 400 years in the Gregorian
calendar reforms as 146,097 days by 7 and that when made divisible by 22
to obtain the remainder, and to arrange the Hebrew letters in a pattern
which has a remainder of #13 as being in the middle of the Chinese 4 BCE
published DAO TE CHING / I CHING division of the year into 364.5 days
and the Jewish Kabbalah equivalent which deployed a magic square of #369
having a distinct mathematical property at centre of #41 for the
equivalent date of 13 September.
#6000 MOD 22 = 13 [#MEM / #40 - Shelah {Sprout/That breaks; that unties;
that undresses}
As waters, peoples, nations, languages and tongues; the spring of Torah
being the source of knowledge and wisdom] = EQUINOX of Wednesday
DATE(1996,3,20) + (5 * #364) + #182 days <-- *LIMIT* = Wednesday
DATE(2001,9,12) with Equinox of Saturday DATE(2001,9,23) commencing the
Sabbath year of 'oth cycle
#YOD = 10 SEPTEMBER 2001 as HEAVEN {Divine GODHEAD which is the Mind of
Christ as *HYPOSTATIS*} +
#MEM = 13 SEPTEMBER 2001 as EARTH {DAO-ziran (Chinese) / COURSE-trochos
(Greek) OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6]} +
#TAU = 22 SEPTEMBER 2001 as MAN {HOMO [iOS] SAPIEN [T]} +
[IMAGE: The eye {Y-M-T-A} glyph]
In which the major premise is formed of two or more hypothetical
propositions and the minor premise is a disjunctive proposition, as
'IF #A {#1 - Nature Contains Nature} THEN #B {#2 - Nature Rejoices in
its Nature};
IF #C {#3 - Nature Surmounts Nature} THEN #D {#4 - Nature Amended in its
In short the *DILEMMA* is if given #A, and I am #B, it can't possibly be
#ME (#A = #B) as #C (co-joined), then it must be #D (as distinct) from #ME.
[ORIGIN 1515–25 CE: Late Latin from Greek dílēmma, equivalent to di +
lêmma an assumption, premise, derivative of lambánein to take {#384 =
#5, #300, #10, #3, #6, #50, #10 as nasag (H5381): 1) to reach, overtake,
take hold upon; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to overtake; 1a2) to reach, attain
to, cause to reach; 1a3) to be able to secure, reach, have enough}.
That I have as a composite anti-terrorism initiative sought to challenge
religious dogma (ie. whether belief, dis-belief or non-belief)
associated to same-sex marriage and which collectively finds its impetus
within the encapsulation of mind, body and soul as articulated by the
faux-wisdom as Pythagorean sophistry which deploys a binary (ie. gender
and spermatic bifurcated attribution) paradigm as a transformative
prototype within its HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.
As a sophistic opinion perpetuating a HETEROS MARRIAGE ethic through a
mechanical and merciless CANON OF TRANSPOSITION by a pantomimed
contrivance of reality as a faux superiority in a claim of wisdom
comprising the eight elements as only a logical fallacy encapsulation
made of a hybridisation to the DAOist PARADIGM perspective which had
it's Grand Inception at midnight on the new moon of solstice as 21
December 103 BCE to this present day, as the HOMO [iOS] SAPIEN [T]
theoretical mathematical noumenon representing the natural and
harmonious equivalent of the:
- EARTH {Chinese: ZIRAN as DAO of NATURE / Greek: COURSE-trochos of
NATURE-genesis. [James 3:6]}
- MAN {HOMOIOS-sameness / 'All one to us' SAPIENT-'wisdom thinker' of
the self-identity as formula of autonomy}
being the Son of Man dynamic:
#1 - {MENTALISM: 1 x #41 = #41 as #1 - Will, free will, choice / VIRTUE:
64 meta descriptor prototypes: Omne Datum Optimum {#1 - Every perfect
gift} (1139 CE) / Remember the Sabbath Day},
#2 - Nature Rejoices in its Nature: {DOUBLE: #1 - Nature Contains Nature
{#4 - Nature Amended in its Nature}}
#2 - {CORRESPONDENCE: 2 x #41 = #82 as #2 - desire, inclination: Milites
Templi {#2 - Soldiers of the Temple} (1144 CE) / TOOLS: marriage /
Honour Parents},
#3 - Nature Surmounts Nature: {DOUBLE: #2 - Nature Rejoices in its
Nature {#5 - Act of Nature}}
#3 - {VIBRATION: 3 x #41 = #123 as #3 - disposition towards (something
or someone): Militia Dei {#3 - Soldiers of God} (1145 CE) / POSITION:
Soldier / Do Not Kill},
3 x #41 = #123 as [#6, #2, #50, #10, #5, #50] or #773 as [#6, #2, #50,
#10, #5, #700] = ben (H1121): {#75 as #123} 1) son, grandson, child,
member of a group; 1a) son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c) children (pl.
- male and female); 1d) youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young (of animals);
1f) sons (as characterisation, ie. sons of injustice [for un- righteous
men] or sons of God [for Angels]; 1g) people (of a nation) (pl.); 1h) of
lifeless things, ie, sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) *A* *MEMBER* *OF*
#4 - Nature Amended in its Nature / #1 - Nature Contains Nature:
{DOUBLE: #3 - Nature Surmounts Nature {#6 - Form of Nature}}
#4 - {POLARITY: 4 x #41 = #164 as #4 - favour, affection: Pastoralis
Praeeminentiae {#4 - Pastoral Pre-eminence to monarchs} (1307 CE) /
TIME: #CENTRE and #INR / Do Not Commit Adultery (ie. Avoid Heteronomy
Against Autonomy)} [John 5:39-47 (KJV)]
#11 / #8 - Transforming Nature: {DOUBLE: #4 - Nature Amended in its
Nature {#7 - Engendering Nature}}
#5 - {RHYTHM: 5 x #41 = #205 as #5 - last will, testament: Faciens
misericordiam {#5 - Granting forgiveness} (1308 CE) / CANON: RHYTHM &
HARMONY / Do Not Steal},
#17 / #5 - Act of Nature: {DOUBLE: #5 - Act of Nature {#8 - Transforming
Nature} [#175 / #4 - Nature Amended in its Nature]
41 1 57
49 33 17
9 65 25 = #99 / #297 {#ONE} <-- *AS* *THE* *FOUNDATION* *STONE*
#1 (9) - OUHOUYAH (King-Seraphim) = #1
#9 (8) - HAZIEL (King-Cherubim) = #10
#17 (7) - LEVYAH (King-Throne) = #27 <-- SOVEREIGNTY / PYTHAGOREAN
#25 (6) - NETEHYAH (King-Dominion) = #52 <-- *THEY* *ARE* *AS* *THE*
*SONS* *OF* *DARKNESS* *NOT* *THE* *SONS* *OF* *LIGHT* / *GOD* *AS* #123
#33 (5) - YHOUYAH (King-Powers) = #85 <-- ADAMANT {ie. fixed mind /
dogmatic} / DIAMOND 💍
#41 (4) - HEHAHEL (King-Virtues) = #126
#49 (3) - OHOUEL (King-Principalities) = #175 <-- *VENUS* (7x7 = #49 /
#57 (2) - NEMAMYAH (King-Archangels) = #232
#65 (1) - DAMBYAN (King-Angels) = #297
{OUTER: #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay,
Attending, Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back / INNER: #11 -
Value and Function of Non-Existence; I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking
Unity, Grouping, Holding together, Alliance; Tetra: 33 - Closeness}
V - The Governor General may on Our behalf exercise all powers under the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900, or otherwise in
respect of the summoning, proroguing, or dissolving the Parliament of
Our said Commonwealth.
POLICE AS #123 - *A* *MEMBER* *OF* *A* *GUILD*, *ORDER*, *CLASS* OR #65
- SOLDIERS IN THE GARDEN: “Then Simon {that hears; that obeys} Peter {a
rock or stone as euphemism for testicles as opposed to phallus of
#CENTRE} having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant,
and cut off his right ear {#237 - *USE* *OF* *FORCE* / #277 - *RIGHT*
*TO* *PLACE* *A* *TEST*}. The servant's name was Malchus {my king,
kingdom, or counsellor}.” [John 18:10 (KJV)]
#6 - {CAUSE AND EFFECT: 6 x #41 = #246 as #6 - goal, object, purpose,
intention: Ad providam {#6 - To Foresee / For Providence} (1312 CE) /
Not Bear False Witness}, and
#20 / #8 - Transforming Nature {DOUBLE: #6 - Form of Nature {#9 -
Autonomous Nature} [#505 / #1 - Nature Contains Nature]
{OUTER: #19 - Argument for Ethical Anarchism, Returning to Simplicity;
I-Ching: H57 - Compliance, Gentle Penetration/Wind, Ground,
Calculations; Tetra: 58 - Gathering In / INNER: #13 - Status, Loathing
Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Moistened, Arriving;
Tetra: 17 - Holding Back}
Commonwealth TO BE OBEDIENT, AIDING, AND ASSISTING unto Our said
Governor General, or, in the event of his death, INCAPACITY, or absence,
to such person or persons as may, FROM TIME TO TIME, under the
said Commonwealth.
#7 - {ENGENDERING / ENUMERATE: 7 x #41 = #287 as #7 - signification,
import: Vox in excelso {#7 - The voice on high} (1312 CE) / LIMIT: #INR
7 x #41 = #287 as [#1, #50, #1, #3, #20, #1, #10, #1, #200] = anagkaios
(G316): {#9 as #356} 1) necessary; 1a) what one can not do without,
indispensable; 1b) connected by bonds of nature or friendship; 1c) what
ought according to the law of duty be done, what is required by the
#22 / #10 - Totality of Nature {DOUBLE: #7 - Engendering Nature {#10 -
Totality of Nature}} [#870 / #6 - Form of Nature]
{OUTER: #60 - Skill Rulership, Maintain One's Place; I-Ching: H15 -
Modesty, Humbling; Tetra: 5 - Keeping Small / INNER: #9 - Inconstancy of
Achievement, Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading,
Troops; Tetra: 32 - Legion}
X - And We do further direct and enjoin that these Our Letters Patent
shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places as Our said
Governor General shall think fit within Our said Commonwealth of Australia.
[In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent
Witness Ourself at Westminster the 29th October, 1900: 64th year of Our
reign (Queen Victoria)]
PROTOCOL SELECTION: #1 - unwillingness
9 x #41 = % #369 as #INNER {FEMALE (EGO)} / AUTONOMOUS PARADIGM as
ill will, negative disposition (toward something) [LATIN definition:
LEGAL PRINCIPLE INVOLVED: "Such uncivil, discourteous and disrespectful
conduct, whether as refusal by stubborn imposition of will,
pre-conditional criteria of association, derangement within any
transactional exchange, lack of any accountability over statement /
action discordance or as hate speech is not acceptable conduct and is a
breach of the AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH’s constitutional rights with
respect to the INTELLECTUS AS GENITIVE VOLUNTĀTUS being an entitlement
to an unencumbered will.
So the next informal research which I will be undertaking is the ability
to load the hierarchy to any CATEGORIES OF UNDERSTANDING into the
_gizmo{} array as hot zones which will then enable the pinging of any
mundane speech and it’s meta-data as meta-descriptor prototypes which
will then enable me to determine motivation as to whether it is honest
or not.
I would therefore, disagree with the general view of the existentialist,
that the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been
called 'the existential attitude', or a sense of disorientation,
confusion, or dread in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd
world. Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic
or academic philosophies, in both style and content, as being too
abstract and remote from any concrete as meaningful human experience: I
think, therefore I am. [Wikipedia 2017: Existentialism]
I describe this a priori 'existential attitude' as being a neural
linguistic cognitive process by which the mind freely desires {
#514 as [#6, #50, #2, #100, #300, #50, #6] = baqash (H1245): 1) to seek,
require, desire, exact, request; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to seek to find; 1a2)
to seek to secure; 1a3) to seek the face; 1a4) to desire, demand; 1a5)
to require, exact; 1a6) to ask, request; 1b) (Pual) to be sought
} to inform itself.
#1: Sup: 6; Ego: 6,
#2: Sup: 56; Ego: 50,
#3: Sup: 58; Ego: 2,
#4: Sup: 77; Ego: 19,
#5: Sup: 53; Ego: 57,
#6: Sup: 22; Ego: 50,
#7: Sup: 28; Ego: 6,
Male: 300; Female: 190
Laissez Faire Politics, Simplicity In Habits; I-Ching: H37 - The Family
(the clan), Dwelling People, Family members; Tetra: 39 - Residence /
INNER: #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay,
Attending, Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back} #300 has 15
#6, #9, #200, #80, #5 = terephah (H2966): {#0 as #294} 1)
that which is torn, animal torn (by beasts); #20, #20, #200, #10, #50 =
kikker (Aramaic) (H3604): {#1 as #240} 1) talent; #30, #20, #200, #40,
#10 = Karmiy (H3756): {#2 as #270} 1) the 4th son of Reuben and
progenitor of the Carmites; 2) a Judaite, father of Achan, the 'troubler
of Israel' in the time of Joshua; #40, #20, #200, #40 = meker (H4377):
{#3 as #260} 1) merchandise, value, price; #40, #200, #6, #4, #10, #40 =
maruwd (H4788): {#4 as #250} 1) restlessness, straying, wanderer,
refugee; #40, #200, #60 = Merec (H4825): {#5 as #300} 1) one of the 7
counsellors of Ahasuerus; #60, #40, #200 = camar (H5568): {#6 as #300}
1) to bristle up, shiver, stand up; 1a) (Qal) to bristle up, shiver; 1b)
(Piel) to bristle up, stand up; #30, #70, #200 = `Er (H6147): {#7 as
#270} 1) the eldest son of Judah; 2) son of Shelah and grandson of
Judah; #30, #40, #200, #3, #10, #7, #10 = ragaz (H7264): {#8 as #210} 1)
tremble, quake, rage, quiver, be agitated, be excited, be perturbed; 1a)
(Qal) to quake, be disquieted, be excited, be perturbed; 1b) (Hiphil) to
cause to quake, disquiet, enrage, disturb; 1c) (Hithpael) to excite
oneself; #30, #200, #70 = roa` (H7455): {#9 as #270} 1) badness, evil;
1a) badness, bad quality; 1b) wilfulness; 1c) evil, badness (ethical);
1d) sadness; #200, #70, #10, #20 = ro`iy (H7473): {#10 as #280} 1)
shepherd (subst); #200, #70, #30 = ra`al (H7478): {#11 as #300} 1)
reeling; #2, #200, #90, #8 = retsach (H7524): {#12 as #298} 1)
shattering; #70, #100, #9, #100, #10, #1, #10 = orthrios (G3721): {#13
as #559} 1) early; 2) rising at the first dawn or very early in the
morning; #80, #5, #4, #1, #10, #200 = pede (G3976): {#14 as #97} 1) a
fetter, shackle for the feet;
Opposites and Primitivism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 -
Return, The turning point; Tetra: 2 - Full Circle / INNER: #26 -
Ambiguous Reversals, Virtue of Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes,
Initial Difficulties, Sprouting, Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering
support, Hoarding; Tetra: 3 - Mired} #190 has 32 Categories:
#6, #10,
#8, #60, #50, #6, #50 = chacan (Aramaic) (H2631): {#0 as #118} 1)
(Aphel) to take possession of; #2, #8, #90, #90 = chatsats (H2687): {#1
as #188} 1) gravel; #10, #9, #70, #40, #6, #50, #5 = te`am (Aramaic)
(H2939): {#2 as #119} 1) (P'al) to feed, cause to eat; #6, #10, #4, #70,
#50, #10, #40 = yidde`oniy (H3049): {#3 as #144} 1) a knower, one who
has a familiar spirit; 1a) a familiar spirit, soothsayer, necromancer
(meton); #40, #10, #40, #10, #50, #40 = yamiyn (H3225): {#4 as #110} 1)
right, right hand, right side; 1a) right hand; 1b) right (of direction);
1c) south (the direction of the right hand when facing East); #30, #10,
#70, #30, #10, #40 = ya`el (H3277): {#5 as #110} 1) mountain goat; #40,
#70, #80 = ya`aph (H3286): {#6 as #160} 1) to be or grow weary, be
fatigued, be faint; 1a) (Qal) to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be
faint; 1b) (Hophal) wearied (participle); #30, #10, #70, #80 = ya`eph
(H3287): {#7 as #160} 1) faint, weary, fatigued; #30, #10, #100, #10,
#40 = Yaqiym (H3356): {#8 as #160} 1) a Benjamite and descendant of
Shimhi; 2) a Levite priest in charge of the 12th course in the time of
David; #6, #30, #8, #90, #50, #6 = lachats (H3906): {#9 as #128} 1)
oppression, distress, pressure; #6, #40, #30, #100, #6, #8 = malqowach
(H4455): {#10 as #184} 1) booty, prey; 2) jaw; #40, #90, #6, #4, #10,
#40 = matsowd (H4685): {#11 as #140} 1) siege-works, bulwark; 2) hunting
implement, net n f; 3) net; 4) fastness, stronghold; #50, #20, #60, #10,
#50 = nekac (Aramaic) (H5232): {#12 as #130} 1) riches, property; #6,
#70, #4, #50, #10, #50 = `iddan (Aramaic) (H5732): {#13 as #124} 1)
time; 1a) time (of duration); 1b) year; #30, #70, #10, #80 = `ayeph
(H5889): {#14 as #160} 1) faint, exhausted, weary; #70, #40, #30, #10,
#40 = `amel (H6001): {#15 as #140} 1) labourer, sufferer, wretched one;
2) toiling; 1a) labourer, workman; 1b) sufferer adj v; #6, #70, #40,
#70, #4 = `Am`ad (H6008): {#16 as #184} 1) a town in Asher on the border
between Alammelech and Misheal; #6, #10, #70, #100, #4 = `aqad (H6123):
{#17 as #174} 1) (Qal) to bind, tie; #40, #80, #10, #20, #40 = peh
(H6310): {#18 as #85} 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ
of speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a
well, river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #40, #80, #20, #10, #40 = pachaz
(H6349): {#19 as #95} 1) recklessness, wantonness, unbridled license,
frothiness; #80, #10, #50, #50 = piynon (H6373): {#20 as #190} 1) one of
the chiefs of Edom; #80, #60, #10, #40 = pac (H6446): {#21 as #140} 1)
flat (of the hand or foot), palm, sole; 1a) of the tunic reaching to
palms and soles (fig.); #80, #100, #6, #4 = Peqowd (H6489): {#22 as
#190} 1) a people in the Babylonian army and a tribe in southeast
Babylonia bordering Elam; #90, #40, #20, #40 = tsowm (H6685): {#23 as
#136} 1) fast, fasting; #90, #50, #10, #40 = tsen (H6791): {#24 as #140}
1) thorn, barb; 1a) meaning dubious; #90, #50, #50 = Tsenan (H6799):
{#25 as #190} 1) a town in the low country of Judah; #6, #30, #100, #4,
#10, #40 = qadiym (H6921): {#26 as #154} 1) east, east wind; 1a) east
(of direction); 1b) east wind; #6, #40, #100, #4, #40 = qedem (H6924):
{#27 as #144} 1) east, antiquity, front, that which is before,
aforetime; 2) eastward, to or toward the East; 1a) front, from the front
or east, in front, mount of the East; 1b) ancient time, aforetime,
ancient, from of old, earliest time; 1c) anciently, of old (adverb); 1d)
beginning; 1e) east adv; #30, #100, #10, #50 = Qayin (H7014): {#28 as
#160} 1) eldest son of Adam and Eve and the first murderer having
murdered his brother Abel n pr gent Kenite = 'smiths'; 2) the tribe from
which the father-in-law of Moses was a member and which lived in the
area between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai; #1, #30, #1,
#30, #1, #7, #70, #50 = alalazo (G214): {#29 as #870} 1) to repeat
frequently the cry alala as soldiers used to do on entering into battle;
2) to utter a joyful sound; 3) to wail, lament; 4) to ring loudly, to
clang For Synonyms see entry 5804; #4, #1, #50, #5, #10, #70, #50 =
daneion (G1156): {#30 as #190} 1) a loan; #5, #50, #50, #5, #70, #10 =
enneos (G1769): {#31 as #380} 1) dumb, mute, destitute of power of
speech; 2) unable to speak for terror, struck dumb, astounded;
This action involves the making of a reasonable supposition as a
logical, probable and hypothetical proposition, which is then predicated
upon by the pursuit as determined course of affirmative action in the
autonomous want of the intellect having a desire {
#108 as [#6, #40, #8, #40, #4, #10] = machmad (H4261): 1) desire,
desirable thing, pleasant thing
#1: Sup: 6; Ego: 6,
#2: Sup: 46; Ego: 40,
#3: Sup: 54; Ego: 8,
#4: Sup: 13; Ego: 40,
#5: Sup: 17; Ego: 4,
#6: Sup: 27; Ego: 10,
Male: 163; Female: 108
#108 as [#6, #50, #8, #40, #4] = chamad (H2530): 1) to desire, covet,
take pleasure in, delight in; 2) desirableness, preciousness; 1a) (Qal)
to desire; 1b) (Niphal) to be desirable; 1c) (Piel) to delight greatly,
desire greatly
#1: Sup: 6; Ego: 6,
#2: Sup: 56; Ego: 50,
#3: Sup: 64; Ego: 8,
#4: Sup: 23; Ego: 40,
#5: Sup: 27; Ego: 4,
Male: 176; Female: 108
Greatest Functional Skill in Paradoxes; I-Ching: H21 - Bite Together,
Biting Through, Gnawing Bite; Tetra: 74 - Closure / INNER: #26 -
Ambiguous Reversals, Virtue of Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes,
Initial Difficulties, Sprouting, Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering
support, Hoarding; Tetra: 3 - Mired} #108 has 115 Categories:
#6, #50,
#8, #40, #4 = chamad (H2530): {#0 as #108} 1) to desire, covet, take
pleasure in, delight in; 2) desirableness, preciousness; 1a) (Qal) to
desire; 1b) (Niphal) to be desirable; 1c) (Piel) to delight greatly,
desire greatly n f; #8, #40, #60 = chamac (H2555): {#1 as #108} 1)
violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice; #100, #8 = laqach (H3947): {#2 as
#108} 1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take,
take in the hand; 1a2) to take and carry along; 1a3) to take from, take
out of, take, carry away, take away; 1a4) to take to or for a person,
procure, get, take possession of, select, choose, take in marriage,
receive, accept; 1a5) to take up or upon, put upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7)
to take, lead, conduct; 1a8) to take, capture, seize; 1a9) to take,
carry off; 1a10) to take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be captured;
1b2) to be taken away, be removed; 1b3) to be taken, brought unto; 1c)
(Pual); 1c1) to be taken from or out of; 1c2) to be stolen from; 1c3) to
be taken captive; 1c4) to be taken away, be removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1)
to be taken unto, be brought unto; 1d2) to be taken out of; 1d3) to be
taken away; 1e) (Hithpael); 1e1) to take hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash
about (of lightning); #30, #40, #2, #6, #30 = mabbuwl (H3999): {#3 as
#108} 1) flood, deluge.; 1a) Noah's flood that submerged the entire
planet earth under water for about a year as 364 days; #70, #6, #2, #30
= `Owbal (H5745): {#4 as #108} 1) a son of Joktan and the founder of an
Arab tribe; #70, #3, #30, #5 = `eglah (H5697): {#5 as #108} 1) heifer;
#40, #1, #2, #10, #5, #700 = 'ab (H1): {#6 as #108} 1) father of an
individual; 2) of God as father of his people; 3) head or founder of a
household, group, family, or clan; 4) ancestor; 5) originator or patron
of a class, profession, or art; 6) of producer, generator (fig.); 7) of
benevolence and protection (fig.); 8) term of respect and honour; 9)
ruler or chief (spec.); 4a) grandfather, forefathers -- of person; 4b)
of people; #6, #10, #90, #2 = natsab (H5324): {#7 as #108} 1) to stand,
take one's stand, stand upright, be set (over), establish; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to station oneself, take one's stand; 1a2) to stand, be stationed;
1a3) to stand, take an upright position; 1a4) to be stationed, be
appointed; 1a5) deputy, prefect, appointed, deputed (subst); 1a6) to
stand firm; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to set up, erect;
1b3) to cause to stand erect; 1b4) to fix, establish; 1c) (Hophal) to be
fixed, be determined, be stationary; #30, #50, #20, #8 = nokach (H5227):
{#8 as #108} 1) be in front of adv; 2) in front of, opposite to, in the
sight of, before, to the front, right on; 3) towards the front of, in
front of, on behalf of, as far as in front of; #5, #40, #8, #50, #5 =
machaneh (H4264): {#9 as #108} 1) encampment, camp; 1a) camp, place of
encampment; 1b) camp of armed host, army camp; 1c) those who encamp,
company, body of people; #5, #40, #50, #8, #5 = minchah (H4503): {#10 as
#108} 1) gift, tribute, offering, present, oblation, sacrifice, meat
offering; 1a) gift, present; 1b) tribute; 1c) offering (to God); 1d)
grain offering; #8, #50, #700 = chanan (H2603): {#11 as #108} 1) to be
gracious, show favour, pity; 2) to be loathsome; 1a) (Qal) to show
favour, be gracious; 1b) (Niphal) to be pitied; 1c) (Piel) to make
gracious, make favourable, be gracious; 1d) (Poel) to direct favour to,
have mercy on; 1e) (Hophal) to be shown favour, be shown consideration;
1f) (Hithpael) to seek favour, implore favour; #50, #2, #6, #700 = biyn
(H995): {#12 as #108} 1) to discern, understand, consider; 2) (TWOT)
prudent, regard; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to perceive, discern; 1a2) to
understand, know (with the mind); 1a3) to observe, mark, give heed
to,distinguish, consider; 1a4) to have discernment, insight,
understanding; 1b) (Niphal) to be discerning, intelligent, discreet,
have understanding; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to understand; 1c2) to cause to
understand, give understanding, teach; 1d) (Hithpolel) to show oneself
discerning or attentive, consider diligently; 1e) (Polel) to teach,
instruct; #30, #30, #8, #600 = lechem (H3899): {#13 as #108} 1) bread,
food, grain; 1a) bread; 1a1) bread; 1a2) bread-corn; 1b) food (in
general); #8, #100 = choq (H2706): {#14 as #108} 1) statute, ordinance,
limit, something prescribed, due; 1a) prescribed task; 1b) prescribed
portion; 1c) action prescribed (for oneself), resolve; 1d) prescribed
due; 1e) prescribed limit, boundary; 1f) enactment, decree, ordinance;
1f1) specific decree; 1f2) law in general; 1g) enactments, statutes;
1g1) conditions; 1g2) enactments; 1g3) decrees; 1g4) civil enactments
prescribed by God; #8, #20, #30, #10, #30, #10 = chakliyl (H2447): {#15
as #108} 1) dull; 2) (CLBL) dark-flashing, brilliant; #5, #1, #2, #50,
#10, #600 = 'oben (H70): {#16 as #108} 1) wheel, disc; 1a) potter's
wheel; 1b) bearing-stool, midwife's stool; #6, #5, #6, #90, #1 = yatsa'
(H3318): {#17 as #108} 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a
place); 1a3) to go forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to
come or go forth (with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to
bring out of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be
brought out or forth; #1, #6, #90, #10, #1 = yatsa' (H3318): {#18 as
#108} 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or
come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go
forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth
(with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3)
to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth;
#2, #20, #80, #6 = kaph (H3709): {#19 as #108} 1) palm, hand, sole, palm
of the hand, hollow or flat of the hand; 1a) palm, hollow or flat of the
hand; 1b) power; 1c) sole (of the foot); 1d) hollow, objects, bending
objects, bent objects; 1d1) of thigh-joint; 1d2) pan, vessel (as
hollow); 1d3) hollow (of sling); 1d4) hand-shaped branches or fronds (of
palm trees); 1d5) handles (as bent); #10, #8, #4, #30, #6, #700 = chadal
(H2308): {#20 as #108} 1) to stop, cease, desist, forego, cease to be,
leave undone, forbear; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cease, come to an end; 1a2) to
cease, leave off; #10, #50, #8, #600 = nacham (H5162): {#21 as #108} 1)
to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity, have compassion; 1a2) to
be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent; 1a3) to comfort oneself, be
comforted; 1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself; 1b) (Piel) to comfort,
console; 1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to be sorry, have compassion; 1d2) to rue, repent of; 1d3) to comfort
oneself, be comforted; 1d4) to ease oneself; #8, #50, #10, #600 = chanah
(H2583): {#22 as #108} 1) to decline, incline, encamp, bend down, lay
siege against; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to decline; 1a2) to encamp; #6, #2, #70,
#30 = ba`al (H1167): {#23 as #108} 1) owner, husband, lord; 1a) owner;
1b) a husband; 1c) citizens, inhabitants; 1d) rulers, lords; 1e) (noun
of relationship used to characterise - ie, master of dreams); 1f) lord
(used of foreign gods); #8, #90, #10 = chetsiy (H2677): {#24 as #108} 1)
half; 1a) half; 1b) middle; #40, #2, #50, #10, #6 = ben (H1121): {#25 as
#108} 1) son, grandson, child, member of a group; 1a) son, male child;
1b) grandson; 1c) children (pl. - male and female); 1d) youth, young men
(pl.); 1e) young (of animals); 1f) sons (as characterisation, ie sons of
injustice [for un- righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; 1g)
people (of a nation) (pl.); 1h) of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars,
arrows (fig.); 1i) a member of a guild, order, class; #5, #70, #3, #30 =
`egel (H5695): {#26 as #108} 1) calf, bull-calf; #40, #8, #50, #10 =
machah (H4229): {#27 as #108} 1) to wipe, wipe out; 2) (Qal) to strike;
3) (Pual) full of marrow (participle); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wipe; 1a2) to
blot out, obliterate; 1a3) to blot out, exterminate; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1)
to be wiped out; 1b2) to be blotted out; 1b3) to be exterminated; 1c)
(Hiphil) to blot out (from memory); #40, #1, #7, #50, #10 = mo'zen
(H3976): {#28 as #108} 1) scales, balances; #3, #70, #30, #5 = ga`al
(H1602): {#29 as #108} 1) to abhor, loathe, be vilely cast away, fall;
1a) (Qal) to abhor, loathe; 1b) (Niphal) to be defiled; 1c) (Hiphil) to
reject as loathsome, show aversion; #6, #2, #50, #10, #600 = ben
(H1121): {#30 as #108} 1) son, grandson, child, member of a group; 1a)
son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c) children (pl. - male and female); 1d)
youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young (of animals); 1f) sons (as
characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for un- righteous men] or sons
of God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a nation) (pl.); 1h) of lifeless
things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) a member of a guild, order,
class; #6, #10, #30, #6, #50, #6 = luwn (H3885): {#31 as #108} 1) to
lodge, stop over, pass the night, abide; 2) to grumble, complain,
murmur; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lodge, pass the night; 1a2) to abide, remain
(fig.); 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to rest or lodge; 1c) (Hithpalpel) to
dwell, abide; 2a) (Niphal) to grumble; 2b) (Hiphil) to complain, cause
to grumble; #10, #60, #30, #8 = calach (H5545): {#32 as #108} 1) to
forgive, pardon; 1a) (Qal) to forgive, pardon; 1b) (Niphal) to be
forgiven; #5, #2, #10, #1, #50, #600 = bow' (H935): {#33 as #108} 1) to
go in, enter, come, go, come in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to enter, come in; 1a2)
to come; 1a2a) to come with; 1a2b) to come upon, fall or light upon,
attack (enemy); 1a2c) to come to pass; 1a3) to attain to; 1a4) to be
enumerated; 1a5) to go; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to lead in; 1b2) to carry in;
1b3) to bring in, cause to come in, gather, cause to come, bring near,
bring against, bring upon; 1b4) to bring to pass; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to
be brought, brought in; 1c2) to be introduced, be put; #6, #1, #90, #6,
#5 = tsavah (H6680): {#34 as #108} 1) to command, charge, give orders,
lay charge, give charge to, order; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lay charge upon;
1a2) to give charge to, give command to; 1a3) to give charge unto; 1a4)
to give charge over, appoint; 1a5) to give charge, command; 1a6) to
charge, command; 1a7) to charge, commission; 1a8) to command, appoint,
ordain (of divine act); 1b) (Pual) to be commanded; #2, #1, #5, #30,
#10, #20, #600 = 'ohel (H168): {#35 as #108} 1) tent; 1a) nomad's tent,
and thus symbolic of wilderness life, transience; 1b) dwelling, home,
habitation; 1c) the sacred tent of Jehovah (the tabernacle); #10, #50,
#8, #10, #30 = nachal (H5157): {#36 as #108} 1) to get as a possession,
acquire, inherit, possess; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take possession, inherit;
1a2) to have or get as a possession or property (fig.); 1a3) to divide
the land for a possession; 1a4) to acquire (testimonies) (fig.); 1b)
(Piel) to divide for a possession; 1c) (Hithpael) to possess oneself of;
1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to give as a possession; 1d2) to cause to inherit,
give as an inheritance; 1e) (Hophal) to be allotted, be made to possess;
#6, #90, #2, #10 = tsebiy (H6643): {#37 as #108} 1) beauty, glory,
honour; 2) roebuck, gazelle; 1a) beauty, decoration; 1b) honour; 2a)
perhaps an extinct animal, exact meaning unknown; #6, #70, #2, #4, #6,
#500 = `abad (H5647): {#38 as #108} 1) to work, serve; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to labour, work, do work; 1a2) to work for another, serve another by
labour; 1a3) to serve as subjects; 1a4) to serve (God); 1a5) to serve
(with Levitical service); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be worked, be tilled (of
land); 1b2) to make oneself a servant; 1c) (Pual) to be worked; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to compel to labour or work, cause to labour, cause to
serve; 1d2) to cause to serve as subjects; 1e) (Hophal) to be led or
enticed to serve; #2, #50, #50, #6 = ben (H1121): {#39 as #108} 1) son,
grandson, child, member of a group; 1a) son, male child; 1b) grandson;
1c) children (pl. - male and female); 1d) youth, young men (pl.); 1e)
young (of animals); 1f) sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice
[for un- righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a
nation) (pl.); 1h) of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.);
1i) a member of a guild, order, class; #6, #90, #6, #6 = tsavah (H6680):
{#40 as #108} 1) to command, charge, give orders, lay charge, give
charge to, order; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lay charge upon; 1a2) to give
charge to, give command to; 1a3) to give charge unto; 1a4) to give
charge over, appoint; 1a5) to give charge, command; 1a6) to charge,
command; 1a7) to charge, commission; 1a8) to command, appoint, ordain
(of divine act); 1b) (Pual) to be commanded; #40, #50, #10, #8 = nuwach
(H5117): {#41 as #108} 1) to rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down
and remain; 1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiph); 1b1) to
cause to rest, give rest to, make quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to
alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4)
to let remain, leave; 1b5) to leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7)
to permit; 1c) (Hoph); 1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to be
left, be placed; 1c3) open space (subst); #30, #5, #1, #2, #10, #4, #50,
#6 = 'abad (H6): {#42 as #108} 1) perish, vanish, go astray, be
destroyed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) perish, die, be exterminated; 1a2) perish,
vanish (fig.); 1a3) be lost, strayed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to destroy, kill,
cause to perish, to give up (as lost), exterminate; 1b2) to blot out, do
away with, cause to vanish, (fig.); 1b3) cause to stray, lose; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to destroy, put to death; 1c1a) of divine judgment; 1c2)
object name of kings (fig.); #2, #1, #30, #5, #10, #20, #600 = 'elohiym
(H430): {#43 as #108} 1) (plural); 2) (plural intensive - singular
meaning); 1a) rulers, judges; 1b) divine ones; 1c) angels; 1d) gods; 2a)
god, goddess; 2b) godlike one; 2c) works or special possessions of God;
2d) the (true) God; 2e) God;
#6, #40, #2, #50, #10 = ben (H1121): {#44 as #108} 1) son, grandson,
child, member of a group; 1a) son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c)
children (pl. - male and female); 1d) youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young
(of animals); 1f) sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for
un- righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a nation)
(pl.); 1h) of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) a
member of a guild, order, class;
#6, #1, #90, #10, #1 = yatsa' (H3318): {#45 as #108} 1) to go out, come
out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or forth, depart;
1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward, proceed to (to or
toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with purpose or for
result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to go or come
out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4)
to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #6, #20, #2, #4,
#50, #6, #500 = kabad (H3513): {#46 as #108} 1) to be heavy, be weighty,
be grievous, be hard, be rich, be honourable, be glorious, be
burdensome, be honoured; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be heavy; 1a2) to be heavy,
be insensible, be dull; 1a3) to be honoured; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
made heavy, be honoured, enjoy honour, be made abundant; 1b2) to get
oneself glory or honour, gain glory; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make heavy,
make dull, make insensible; 1c2) to make honourable, honour, glorify;
1d) (Pual) to be made honourable, be honoured; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to
make heavy; 1e2) to make heavy, make dull, make unresponsive; 1e3) to
cause to be honoured; 1f) (Hithpael); 1f1) to make oneself heavy, make
oneself dense, make oneself numerous; 1f2) to honour oneself; #6, #2,
#10, #40, #10, #600 = yowm (H3117): {#47 as #108} 1) day, time, year;
1a) day (as opposed to night); 1b) day (24 hour period); 1b1) as defined
by evening and morning in Genesis 1; 1b2) as a division of time; 1b2a) a
working day, a day's journey; 1c) days, lifetime (pl.); 1d) time, period
(general); 1e) year; 1f) temporal references; 1f1) today; 1f2)
yesterday; 1f3) tomorrow;
#6, #2, #40, #30, #20, #10 = melek (H4428): {#48 as #108} 1) *KING*;
#6, #30, #2, #50, #500 = ben (H1121): {#49 as #108} 1) son, grandson,
child, member of a group; 1a) son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c)
children (pl. - male and female); 1d) youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young
(of animals); 1f) sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for
un- righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a nation)
(pl.); 1h) of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) a
member of a guild, order, class;
#5, #50, #2, #10, #1, #600 = nabiy' (H5030): {#50 as #108} 1) spokesman,
speaker, prophet; 1a) prophet; 1b) false prophet; 1c) heathen prophet;
#50, #5, #3, #10, #600 = nahag (H5090): {#51 as #108} 1) to drive, lead,
guide, conduct; 2) (Piel) to moan, lament; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to drive,
lead on, drive away, drive off; 1a2) to behave itself (fig.) (of heart);
1b) (Piel); 1b1) to drive away, lead off; 1b2) to lead on, guide, guide
on; 1b3) to cause to drive; #5, #3, #10, #30, #50, #10 = Giyloniy
(H1526): {#52 as #108} 1) an inhabitant of Giloh; #8, #60, #10, #30 =
chaciyl (H2625): {#53 as #108} 1) locust; #5, #50, #2, #1, #10, #600 =
nabiy' (H5030): {#54 as #108} 1) spokesman, speaker, prophet; 1a)
prophet; 1b) false prophet; 1c) heathen prophet; #2, #80, #6, #500 =
puwk (H6320): {#55 as #108} 1) antimony, stibium, black paint; 1a) eye
cosmetic; #40, #60, #8 = maccach (H4535): {#56 as #108} 1) meaning
uncertain - perhaps n; 1a) guard adv; 1b) alternately, by turns; #6,
#40, #2, #10, #700 = beyn (H996): {#57 as #108} 1) between, among, in
the midst of (with other preps), from between; #30, #70, #3, #5 = la`ag
(H3932): {#58 as #108} 1) to mock, deride, ridicule; 1a) (Qal) to mock,
deride, have in derision; 1b) (Niphal) to stammer; 1c) (Hiphil) to mock,
deride; #6, #7, #10, #80, #5 = Ziyphah (H2129): {#59 as #108} 1) a son
of Jehaleleel, a descendant of Judah, and brother of Ziph; #2, #70, #30,
#6 = ba`al (H1166): {#60 as #108} 1) to marry, rule over, possess, own;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to marry, be lord (husband) over; 1a2) to rule over; 1b)
(Niphal) to be married; #6, #2, #30, #70 = Bela` (H1106): {#61 as #108}
1) a king of Edom; 2) first son of Benjamin; 3) a son of Ahaz, a
Reubenite; 4) one of the five cities of the plain which was spared at
the intercession of Lot, and received the name of Zoar; #10, #70, #7,
#10, #5, #6 = Ya`aziyahuw (H3269): {#62 as #108} 1) a Levite, apparently
the 3rd son or a descendant of Merari; #5, #40, #7, #6, #700 = mazown
(H4202): {#63 as #108} 1) food, sustenance; #8, #9, #10, #80, #1 =
Chatiypha' (H2412): {#64 as #108} 1) head of a family of temple slaves
who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; #2, #6, #50, #10, #600 = banah
(H1129): {#65 as #108} 1) to build, rebuild, establish, cause to
continue; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to build, rebuild; 1a2) to build a house (ie,
establish a family); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be built; 1b2) to be rebuilt;
1b3) established (of restored exiles) (fig.); 1b4) established (made
permanent); 1b5) to be built up (of childless wife becoming the mother
of a family through the children of a concubine); #6, #40, #1, #50, #10,
#1 = ma'n (H3984): {#66 as #108} 1) vessel, utensil; #1, #2, #50, #10,
#5, #600 = 'eben (H68): {#67 as #108} 1) stone (large or small); 1a)
common stone (in natural state); 1b) stone, as material; 1b1) of
tablets; 1b2) marble, hewn stones; 1c) precious stones, stones of fire;
1d) stones containing metal (ore), tool for work or weapon; 1e) weight;
1f) plummet (stones of destruction) also made of metal; 1g) stonelike
objects, eg hailstones, stony heart, ice; 1h) sacred object, as memorial
Samuel set up to mark where God helped Israel to defeat the Philistines;
1i) (simile); 1i1) sinking in water, motionlessness; 1i2) strength,
firmness, solidity; 1i3) commonness; 1j) (metaph); 1j1) petrified with
terror; 1j2) perverse, hard heart; #2, #50, #6, #10, #600 = banah
(H1129): {#68 as #108} 1) to build, rebuild, establish, cause to
continue; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to build, rebuild; 1a2) to build a house (ie,
establish a family); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be built; 1b2) to be rebuilt;
1b3) established (of restored exiles) (fig.); 1b4) established (made
permanent); 1b5) to be built up (of childless wife becoming the mother
of a family through the children of a concubine); #5, #40, #2, #10, #1,
#10, #600 = bow' (H935): {#69 as #108} 1) to go in, enter, come, go,
come in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to enter, come in; 1a2) to come; 1a2a) to come
with; 1a2b) to come upon, fall or light upon, attack (enemy); 1a2c) to
come to pass; 1a3) to attain to; 1a4) to be enumerated; 1a5) to go; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to lead in; 1b2) to carry in; 1b3) to bring in, cause to
come in, gather, cause to come, bring near, bring against, bring upon;
1b4) to bring to pass; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought, brought in;
1c2) to be introduced, be put; #40, #1, #10, #2, #10, #5, #600 = 'oyeb
(H341): {#70 as #108} 1) (Qal) enemy; 1a) personal; 1b) national; #50,
#4, #4, #10, #600 = nadud (H5076): {#71 as #108} 1) tossing (of
sleeplessness); #10, #80, #10, #8 = puwach (H6315): {#72 as #108} 1) to
breathe, blow; 1a) (Qal) to breathe; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to
exhale or breathe; 1b2) to puff, snort; 1b3) to excite, inflame; 1b4) to
puff, pant for it; 1b5) to breathe out, utter; 1b6) to blow, blast; #6,
#8, #60, #4, #10, #500 = checed (H2617): {#73 as #108} 1) goodness,
kindness, faithfulness; 2) a reproach, shame; #30, #2, #30, #6, #600 =
balam (H1102): {#74 as #108} 1) (Qal) to curb, hold in, restrain; #30,
#8, #60, #4, #6 = checed (H2617): {#75 as #108} 1) goodness, kindness,
faithfulness; 2) a reproach, shame; #1, #7, #50, #10, #600 = 'ozen
(H241): {#76 as #108} 1) ear, as part of the body; 2) ear, as organ of
hearing; 3) (subjective) to uncover the ear to reveal; the receiver of
divine revelation; #40, #8, #20, #600 = chakam (H2449): {#77 as #108} 1)
to be wise; 1a) (Qal) to be or become wise, act wisely; 1b) (Piel) to
make wise, teach wisdom, instruct; 1c) (Pual) to be made wise; 1d)
(Hiphil) to make wise; 1e) (Hithpael) to show oneself wise, deceive,
show one's wisdom; #40, #8, #10, #10, #600 = chay (H2416): {#78 as #108}
1) living, alive; 2) relatives; 3) life (abstract emphatic); 4) living
thing, animal; 5) community; 1a) green (of vegetation); 1b) flowing,
fresh (of water); 1c) lively, active (of man); 1d) reviving (of the
springtime) n m; 3a) life; 3b) sustenance, maintenance n f; 4a) animal;
4b) life; 4c) appetite; 4d) revival, renewal; #6, #1, #30, #5, #10, #50,
#6 = 'elohiym (H430): {#79 as #108} 1) (plural); 2) (plural intensive -
singular meaning); 1a) rulers, judges; 1b) divine ones; 1c) angels; 1d)
gods; 2a) god, goddess; 2b) godlike one; 2c) works or special
possessions of God; 2d) the (true) God; 2e) God; #6, #1, #40, #6, #50,
#5 = 'emuwnah (H530): {#80 as #108} 1) firmness, fidelity,
steadfastness, steadiness; #5, #30, #70, #3 = la`ag (H3933): {#81 as
#108} 1) mocking, derision, stammering; 1a) mocking, derision; 1b)
stammerings; #10, #30, #2, #10, #50, #6 = laban (H3835): {#82 as #108}
1) to be white; 2) (Qal) to make bricks; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to make
white, become white, purify; 1a2) to show whiteness, grow white; 1b)
(Hithpael) to become white, be purified (ethical); #2, #30, #70, #6 =
bala` (H1104): {#83 as #108} 1) to swallow down, swallow up, engulf, eat
up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to swallow down; 1a2) to swallow up, engulf; 1b)
(Niphal) to be swallowed up; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to swallow; 1c2) to
swallow up, engulf; 1c3) squandering (fig.); 1d) (Pual) to be swallowed
up; 1e) (Hithpael) to be ended; #40, #6, #2, #60 = buwc (H947): {#84 as
#108} 1) to tread down, reject, trample down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tread
down, trample (of warriors); 1a2) of rejection (fig.); 1b) (Polel); 1b1)
to tread down (in bad sense); 1b2) to desecrate; 1c) (Hithpolel); 1c1)
to tread; 1c2) to kick out; 1c2a) of infants' blind movements; 1c2b) of
Jerusalem (fig.); 1d) (Hophal) to be trodden down; #4, #4, #50, #10,
#600 = Dedaniym (H1720): {#85 as #108} 1) descendants or inhabitants of
Dedan; #20, #50, #8, #30 = nachal (H5158): {#86 as #108} 1) torrent,
valley, wadi, torrent-valley; 2) palm-tree; 1a) torrent; 1b)
torrent-valley, wadi (as stream bed); 1c) shaft (of mine); 2a) meaning
dubious; #2, #10, #80, #10, #6 = yophiy (H3308): {#87 as #108} 1)
beauty; #2, #100, #6 = qav (H6957): {#88 as #108} 1) cord, line,
measuring-line; 2) (BDB) onomatapoetic mimicry of Isaiah's words,
perhaps senseless; 1a) cord; 1b) measuring-line; #10, #80, #8, #4, #6 =
pachad (H6342): {#89 as #108} 1) to fear, tremble, revere, dread, be in
awe or dread; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be in dread; 1a2) to be in awe; 1b)
(Piel) to be in great dread; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to dread; #10, #50,
#5, #3, #600 = nahag (H5090): {#90 as #108} 1) to drive, lead, guide,
conduct; 2) (Piel) to moan, lament; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to drive, lead on,
drive away, drive off; 1a2) to behave itself (fig.) (of heart); 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to drive away, lead off; 1b2) to lead on, guide, guide on;
1b3) to cause to drive; #40, #8, #30, #30 = chalal (H2490): {#91 as
#108} 1) to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; 2) to wound
(fatally), bore through, pierce, bore; 3) (Piel) to play the flute or
pipe; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute
oneself; 1a1a) ritually; 1a1b) sexually; 1a2) to be polluted, be
defiled; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to profane, make common, defile, pollute; 1b2)
to violate the honour of, dishonour; 1b3) to violate (a covenant); 1b4)
to treat as common; 1c) (Pual) to profane (name of God); 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to let be profaned; 1d2) to begin; 1e) (Hophal) to be begun; 2a)
(Qal) to pierce; 2b) (Pual) to be slain; 2c) (Poel) to wound, pierce;
2d) (Poal) to be wounded; #8, #30, #30, #600 = chalal (H2490): {#92 as
#108} 1) to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; 2) to wound
(fatally), bore through, pierce, bore; 3) (Piel) to play the flute or
pipe; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute
oneself; 1a1a) ritually; 1a1b) sexually; 1a2) to be polluted, be
defiled; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to profane, make common, defile, pollute; 1b2)
to violate the honour of, dishonour; 1b3) to violate (a covenant); 1b4)
to treat as common; 1c) (Pual) to profane (name of God); 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to let be profaned; 1d2) to begin; 1e) (Hophal) to be begun; 2a)
(Qal) to pierce; 2b) (Pual) to be slain; 2c) (Poel) to wound, pierce;
2d) (Poal) to be wounded; #8, #10, #900 = chayits (H2434): {#93 as #108}
1) wall, party-wall, thin wall; #40, #7, #6, #50, #5 = zanah (H2181):
{#94 as #108} 1) to commit fornication, be a harlot, play the harlot;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be a harlot, act as a harlot, commit fornication;
1a2) to commit adultery; 1a3) to be a cult prostitute; 1a4) to be
unfaithful (to God) (fig.); 1b) (Pual) to play the harlot; 1c) (Hiphil);
1c1) to cause to commit adultery; 1c2) to force into prostitution; 1c3)
to commit fornication; #40, #30, #8, #10, #500 = mallach (H4419): {#95
as #108} 1) mariner, sailor, seaman; #2, #70, #6, #30 = `evel (H5766):
{#96 as #108} 1) injustice, unrighteousness, wrong; 1a) violent deeds of
injustice; 1b) injustice (of speech); 1c) injustice (generally); #40,
#6, #60, #2 = muwcab (H4141): {#97 as #108} 1) encompassing,
surrounding, round about; #30, #40, #30, #8 = melach (H4417): {#98 as
#108} 1) salt; #10, #2, #5, #30, #6, #50, #5 = behal (H927): {#99 as
#108} 1) (Pual) to frighten, alarm, dismay; 2) (Ithpa'al) to hurry,
hasten; 3) (Ithpa'al) alarmed (part.); #6, #4, #8, #30, #10, #700 =
dechal (H1763): {#100 as #108} 1) to fear; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to fear;
1a2) terrible (pass participle); 1b) (Pael) to cause to be afraid, make
afraid; #40, #3, #50, #10, #5 = magen (H4043): {#101 as #108} 1) shield,
buckler; #6, #40, #8, #40, #4, #10 = machmad (H4261): {#102 as #108} 1)
desire, desirable thing, pleasant thing; #30, #8, #30, #600 = Chelem
(H2494): {#103 as #108} 1) a returned exile in the time of Zechariah;
also spelled 'Heldai'; #20, #10, #2, #6, #60, #10 = Yebuwciy (H2983):
{#104 as #108} 1) descendants of the 3rd son of Canaan who lived in or
around the site of Jebus, the early name for Jerusalem; #50, #2, #50, #6
= banah (H1129): {#105 as #108} 1) to build, rebuild, establish, cause
to continue; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to build, rebuild; 1a2) to build a house
(ie, establish a family); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be built; 1b2) to be
rebuilt; 1b3) established (of restored exiles) (fig.); 1b4) established
(made permanent); 1b5) to be built up (of childless wife becoming the
mother of a family through the children of a concubine); #8, #40, #10,
#50 = ego (G1473): {#106 as #108} 1) I, me, my; #5, #20, #5, #10, #50,
#8, #10 = ekeinos (G1565): {#107 as #108} 1) he, she it, etc.; #70, #30,
#8 = holos (G3650): {#108 as #108} 1) all, whole, completely; #80, #1,
#9, #8, #10 = pascho (G3958): {#109 as #108} 1) to be affected or have
been affected, to feel, have a sensible experience, to undergo; 1a) in a
good sense, to be well off, in good case; 1b) in a bad sense, to suffer
sadly, be in a bad plight; 1b1) of a sick person; #80, #10, #8, #10 =
pino (G4095): {#110 as #108} 1) to drink; 2) figuratively, to receive
into the soul what serves to refresh strengthen, nourish it unto life
eternal; #40, #8, #50, #10 = men (G3376): {#111 as #108} 1) a month; 2)
the time of the new moon, new moon (the first day of each month, when
the new moon appeared was a festival among the Hebrews); #40, #8, #4,
#5, #50, #1 = medeis (G3367): {#112 as #108} 1) nobody, no one, nothing;
#1, #50, #1, #3, #3, #5, #30, #5, #10 = anaggello (G312): {#113 as #108}
1) to announce, make known; 2) to report, bring back tidings, rehearse;
#1, #50, #8, #3, #3, #5, #30, #8 = anaggello (G312): {#114 as #108} 1)
to announce, make known; 2) to report, bring back tidings, rehearse;
Guide with Names, Reason's Realisation; I-Ching: H58 - Joy, Open, Lake;
Tetra: 24 - Joy / INNER: #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity; I-Ching: H36
- Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light, Brilliance injured,
Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming} #163 has 51 Categories:
#50, #100, #2, #5 = neqebah (H5347): {#0 as #163} 1) female; 1a) woman,
female child; 1b) female animal; #2, #90, #1, #50, #500 = tso'n (H6629):
{#1 as #163} 1) small cattle, sheep, sheep and goats, flock, flocks; 1a)
small cattle (usually of sheep and goats); 1b) of multitude (simile);
1c) of multitude (metaphor); #6, #100, #50, #7 = Qenaz (H7073): {#2 as
#163} 1) son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau; one of the dukes of Edom;
2) a brother of Caleb and father of Othniel; #30, #3, #80, #700 = gephen
(H1612): {#3 as #163} 1) vine, vine tree; 1a) of Israel (fig.); 1b) of
stars fading at Jehovah's judgment (metaph.); 1c) of prosperity; #6,
#10, #1, #60, #80, #6 = 'acaph (H622): {#4 as #163} 1) to gather,
receive, remove, gather in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to gather, collect; 1a2) ;
1a3) to bring up the rear; 1a4) ; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, be
gathered; 1b2) (pass of Qal; 1b2a) to be gathered to one's fathers;
1b2b) to be brought in or into (association with others); 1b3) (pass of
Qal; 1b3a) to be taken away, removed, perish; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to gather
(harvest); 1c2) to take in, receive into; 1c3) rearguard, rearward
(subst); 1d) (Pual) to be gathered; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather oneself or
themselves; #1, #90, #2, #70 = 'etsba` (H676): {#5 as #163} 1) finger,
toe; #30, #50, #3, #800 = nagaph (H5062): {#6 as #163} 1) to strike,
smite; 1a) (Qal) to strike, smite; 1b) (Niphal) to be stricken, be
smitten; 1c) (Hithpael) to stumble; #5, #8, #100, #10, #600 = choq
(H2706): {#7 as #163} 1) statute, ordinance, limit, something
prescribed, due; 1a) prescribed task; 1b) prescribed portion; 1c) action
prescribed (for oneself), resolve; 1d) prescribed due; 1e) prescribed
limit, boundary; 1f) enactment, decree, ordinance; 1f1) specific decree;
1f2) law in general; 1g) enactments, statutes; 1g1) conditions; 1g2)
enactments; 1g3) decrees; 1g4) civil enactments prescribed by God; #2,
#1, #60, #80, #500 = 'acaph (H622): {#8 as #163} 1) to gather, receive,
remove, gather in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to gather, collect; 1a2) ; 1a3) to
bring up the rear; 1a4) ; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, be gathered;
1b2) (pass of Qal; 1b2a) to be gathered to one's fathers; 1b2b) to be
brought in or into (association with others); 1b3) (pass of Qal; 1b3a)
to be taken away, removed, perish; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to gather (harvest);
1c2) to take in, receive into; 1c3) rearguard, rearward (subst); 1d)
(Pual) to be gathered; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather oneself or themselves;
#6, #30, #40, #30, #6, #1, #10, #600 = millu' (H4394): {#9 as #163} 1)
setting, installation; 1a) setting, stones for setting; 1b) installation
(of priests); #7, #100, #50, #6 = zaqan (H2206): {#10 as #163} 1) beard,
chin; 1a) beard; 1b) chin; #6, #10, #90, #1, #50, #6 = yatsa' (H3318):
{#11 as #163} 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
go or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to
go forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go
forth (with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out
of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or
forth; #6, #40, #90, #1, #6, #500 = matsa' (H4672): {#12 as #163} 1) to
find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find, secure,
acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c) to
meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #40, #40, #30, #8, #40, #5 =
milchamah (H4421): {#13 as #163} 1) battle, war; #30, #3, #4, #70, #6,
#700 = Gid`own (H1439): {#14 as #163} 1) youngest son of Joash of the
Abiezrites, fifth judge of Israel who led the Israelites against the
Midianites; #50, #100, #8, #5 = laqach (H3947): {#15 as #163} 1) to
take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring,
marry, take a wife, snatch, take away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take, take in
the hand; 1a2) to take and carry along; 1a3) to take from, take out of,
take, carry away, take away; 1a4) to take to or for a person, procure,
get, take possession of, select, choose, take in marriage, receive,
accept; 1a5) to take up or upon, put upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to take,
lead, conduct; 1a8) to take, capture, seize; 1a9) to take, carry off;
1a10) to take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be
taken away, be removed; 1b3) to be taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1)
to be taken from or out of; 1c2) to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken
captive; 1c4) to be taken away, be removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be
taken unto, be brought unto; 1d2) to be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken
away; 1e) (Hithpael); 1e1) to take hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about
(of lightning); #6, #2, #10, #30, #100, #6, #9 = yalquwt (H3219): {#16
as #163} 1) wallet, purse, pouch, bag, receptacle; #6, #40, #6, #90,
#10, #1, #10 = yatsa' (H3318): {#17 as #163} 1) to go out, come out,
exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or forth, depart; 1a2)
to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward, proceed to (to or toward
something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with purpose or for result); 1a5)
to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to go or come out, bring
out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4) to deliver;
1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #40, #8, #10, #100, #5 = cheyq
(H2436): {#18 as #163} 1) bosom, hollow, bottom, midst; #6, #7, #70,
#800 = za`eph (H2198): {#19 as #163} 1) angry, raging, out of humour,
vexed; #6, #50, #1, #20, #30, #50, #6 = 'akal (H398): {#20 as #163} 1)
to eat, devour, burn up, feed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject);
1a2) to eat, devour (of beasts and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of
fire); 1a4) to devour, slay (of sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy
(inanimate subjects - ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of
oppression); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be
devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3) to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh);
1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat, feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour;
1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1)
consume; #10, #6, #90, #10, #1, #6, #600 = yatsa' (H3318): {#21 as #163}
1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come
out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward,
proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with
purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to
lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #6,
#40, #10, #90, #10, #1, #6 = yatsiy' (H3329): {#22 as #163} 1) coming
forth; 1a) offspring (subst); #6, #10, #6, #90, #10, #1, #600 = yatsa'
(H3318): {#23 as #163} 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a
place); 1a3) to go forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to
come or go forth (with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to
bring out of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be
brought out or forth; #2, #20, #60, #80, #1 = kecaph (H3702): {#24 as
#163} 1) silver; 1a) as metal; 1b) as money; #6, #5, #40, #2, #10, #50,
#10, #600 = biyn (H995): {#25 as #163} 1) to discern, understand,
consider; 2) (TWOT) prudent, regard; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to perceive,
discern; 1a2) to understand, know (with the mind); 1a3) to observe,
mark, give heed to,distinguish, consider; 1a4) to have discernment,
insight, understanding; 1b) (Niphal) to be discerning, intelligent,
discreet, have understanding; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to understand; 1c2) to
cause to understand, give understanding, teach; 1d) (Hithpolel) to show
oneself discerning or attentive, consider diligently; 1e) (Polel) to
teach, instruct; #6, #20, #7, #40, #50, #600 = zeman (H2165): {#26 as
#163} 1) a set time, appointed time, time; #40, #70, #6, #7, #600 =
ma`owz (H4581): {#27 as #163} 1) place or means of safety, protection,
refuge, stronghold; 1a) place of safety, fastness, harbour, stronghold;
1b) refuge (of God) (fig.); 1c) human protection (fig.); #2, #10, #5,
#6, #60, #800 = Yehowceph (H3084): {#28 as #163} 1) the eldest son of
Jacob by Rachel; #6, #7, #100, #700 = zaqen (H2205): {#29 as #163} 1)
old; 1a) old (of humans); 1b) elder (of those having authority); #6,
#50, #2, #100, #5 = baqaq (H1238): {#30 as #163} 1) to empty; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to empty, lay waste; 1a2) to make void (fig.); 1b) (Niphal) to be
emptied; 1c) (Polel) to empty out, devastate; #80, #30, #3, #10, #600 =
peleg (H6388): {#31 as #163} 1) channel, canal; #60, #3, #50, #10, #600
= cagan (H5461): {#32 as #163} 1) ruler, prefect, governor, a
subordinate ruler; 1a) prefects (of Assyria and Babylon); 1b) petty
rulers or officials; #6, #20, #40, #6, #90, #1 = mowtsa' (H4161): {#33
as #163} 1) act or place of going out or forth, issue, export, source,
spring; 1a) a going forth; 1a1) rising (sun), going forth of a command;
1a2) goings forth, those going forth; 1a3) way out, exit; 1b) that which
goes forth; 1b1) utterance; 1b2) export; 1c) place of going forth; 1c1)
source or spring (of water); 1c2) place of departure; 1c3) east (of
sun); 1c4) mine (of silver); #80, #3, #30, #10, #600 = pigguwl (H6292):
{#34 as #163} 1) foul thing, refuse; 1a) unclean sacrificial flesh (only
use); #100, #8, #50, #5 = laqach (H3947): {#35 as #163} 1) to take, get,
fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a
wife, snatch, take away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take, take in the hand; 1a2)
to take and carry along; 1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry
away, take away; 1a4) to take to or for a person, procure, get, take
possession of, select, choose, take in marriage, receive, accept; 1a5)
to take up or upon, put upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to take, lead,
conduct; 1a8) to take, capture, seize; 1a9) to take, carry off; 1a10) to
take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be taken
away, be removed; 1b3) to be taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be
taken from or out of; 1c2) to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken captive;
1c4) to be taken away, be removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be taken unto,
be brought unto; 1d2) to be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken away; 1e)
(Hithpael); 1e1) to take hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about (of
lightning); #5, #1, #7, #100, #10, #600 = 'aziqqiym (H246): {#36 as
#163} 1) chains, manacles; #50, #60, #3, #10, #600 = cuwg (H5472): {#37
as #163} 1) to move, go, turn back, move away, backslide; 1a) (Qal) to
backslide, prove recreant to; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to turn oneself away,
turn back; 1b2) to be turned or driven back, be repulsed; #40, #7, #50,
#6, #50, #10 = zanuwn (H2183): {#38 as #163} 1) adultery, fornication,
prostitution; #6, #7, #40, #50, #10, #700 = zeman (H2166): {#39 as #163}
1) a set time, time, season; #30, #40, #70, #6, #7, #10 = ma`owz
(H4581): {#40 as #163} 1) place or means of safety, protection, refuge,
stronghold; 1a) place of safety, fastness, harbour, stronghold; 1b)
refuge (of God) (fig.); 1c) human protection (fig.); #7, #50, #6, #50,
#10, #600 = zanuwn (H2183): {#41 as #163} 1) adultery, fornication,
prostitution; #20, #90, #2, #1, #10, #600 = Tsebo'iym (H6636): {#42 as
#163} 1) one of the 5 cities in the plain which included Sodom and
Gomorrah; #5, #30, #5, #3, #70, #50 = lego (G3004): {#43 as #163} 1) to
say, to speak; 1a) affirm over, maintain; 1b) to teach; 1c) to exhort,
advise, to command, direct; 1d) to point out with words, intend, mean,
mean to say; 1e) to call by name, to call, name; 1f) to speak out, speak
of, mention; #8, #100, #5, #50 = airo (G142): {#44 as #163} 1) to raise
up, elevate, lift up; 2) to take upon one's self and carry what has been
raised up, to bear; 3) to bear away what has been raised, carry off; 1a)
to raise from the ground, take up: stones; 1b) to raise upwards,
elevate, lift up: the hand; 1c) to draw up: a fish; 3a) to move from its
place; 3b) to take off or away what is attached to anything; 3c) to
remove; 3d) to carry off, carry away with one; 3e) to appropriate what
is taken; 3f) to take away from another what is his or what is committed
to him, to take by force; 3g) to take and apply to any use; 3h) to take
from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence; 3i)
cause to cease; #1, #50, #1, #50, #10, #1, #50 = Ananias (G367): {#45 as
#163} 1) a certain Christian at Jerusalem, the husband of Sapphira Acts
5:1-6; 2) a Christian at Damascus Acts 9:10-18; 3) a son of Nedebaeus,
and high priest of the Jews c. A.D. 47-59. In the year 66, he was slain
by the Sacarii. Acts 23:2; #80, #1, #10, #7, #5, #10, #50 = paizo
(G3815): {#46 as #163} 1) to play like a child; 2) to play, sport, jest;
3) to give way to hilarity, esp. by joking singing, dancing; #1, #4, #8,
#30, #70, #50 = adelos (G82): {#47 as #163} 1) not manifest, indistinct,
uncertain, obscure; #8, #30, #5, #8, #9, #8, #40, #5, #50 = eleeo
(G1653): {#48 as #163} 1) to have mercy on; 2) to help one afflicted or
seeking aid; 3) to help the afflicted, to bring help to the wretched; 4)
to experience mercy For Synonyms see entry 5842; #5, #30, #5, #3, #60,
#10, #50 = elegxis (G1649): {#49 as #163} 1) refutation, rebuke; #20,
#1, #9, #1, #100, #10, #7, #5, #10 = katharizo (G2511): {#50 as #163} 1)
to make clean, cleanse; 2) to pronounce clean in a levitical sense; 1a)
from physical stains and dirt; 1a1) utensils, food; 1a2) a leper, to
cleanse by curing; 1a3) to remove by cleansing; 1b) in a moral sense;
1b1) to free from defilement of sin and from faults; 1b2) to purify from
wickedness; 1b3) to free from guilt of sin, to purify; 1b4) to
consecrate by cleansing or purifying; 1b5) to consecrate, dedicate;
Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out / INNER: #12
- Numbing Effect of the Conventional, Abstaining from Desire; I-Ching:
H6 - Contention, Conflict, Arguing, Lawsuit; Tetra: 25 - Contention}
#176 has 100 Categories:
#30, #80, #50, #10, #6 = paniym (H6440): {#0
as #176} 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of
seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #30, #100, #6, #600 = quwm (H6965): {#1 as #176} 1) to
rise, arise, stand, rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to
arise (hostile sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise,
come on the scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up; #90, #80, #6 = Tsephow (H6825): {#2 as #176}
1) son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau and one of the chiefs of the
Edomites; #70, #40, #10, #50, #4, #2 = `Ammiynadab (H5992): {#3 as #176}
1) son of Ram or Aram and father of Nahshon or Naasson and an ancestor
of Jesus; father-in-law of Aaron; 2) a Kohathite Levite and chief of the
sons of Uzziel; 3) a Levite, son of Kohath; also 'Izhar'; #6, #30, #80,
#50, #10 = paniym (H6440): {#4 as #176} 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b)
presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of
animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1)
before and behind, toward, in front of, forward, formerly, from
beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in front of, before, to the front of,
in the presence of, in the face of, at the face or front of, from the
presence of, from before, from before the face of; #6, #30, #70, #10,
#50, #10 = `ayin (H5869): {#5 as #176} 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a)
eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of
mental and spiritual faculties (fig.); #6, #40, #70, #40, #500 = `am
(H5971): {#6 as #176} 1) nation, people; 2) kinsman, kindred; 1a)
people, nation; 1b) persons, members of one's people, compatriots,
country-men; #6, #70, #50, #700 = `anan (H6051): {#7 as #176} 1) cloud,
cloudy, cloud-mass; 1a) cloud-mass (of theophanic cloud); 1b) cloud; #6,
#10, #90, #30, #600 = natsal (H5337): {#8 as #176} 1) to snatch away,
deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear
oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #30, #70, #6, #30, #600 = `owlam (H5769): {#9 as #176} 1) long
duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore,
perpetual, old, ancient, world; 1a) ancient time, long time (of past);
1b) (of future); 1b1) for ever, always; 1b2) continuous existence,
perpetual; 1b3) everlasting, indefinite or unending future, eternity;
#6, #70, #90, #10 = `ets (H6086): {#10 as #176} 1) tree, wood, timber,
stock, plank, stalk, stick, gallows; 1a) tree, trees; 1b) wood, pieces
of wood, gallows, firewood, cedar-wood, woody flax; #6, #40, #30, #100 =
malaq (H4454): {#11 as #176} 1) (Qal) to nip, nip off (head of a bird);
#70, #90, #10, #6 = `ets (H6086): {#12 as #176} 1) tree, wood, timber,
stock, plank, stalk, stick, gallows; 1a) tree, trees; 1b) wood, pieces
of wood, gallows, firewood, cedar-wood, woody flax; #6, #10, #100, #30,
#30 = qalal (H7043): {#13 as #176} 1) to be slight, be swift, be
trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be slight,
be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling, be of
little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself swift; 1b2)
to appear trifling, be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3) to be
lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to curse;
1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light, lighten; 1e2)
to treat with contempt, bring contempt or dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1)
to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake oneself, be moved to
and fro; #6, #80, #60, #30 = pecel (H6459): {#14 as #176} 1) idol,
image; #100, #6, #30, #600 = qowl (H6963): {#15 as #176} 1) voice,
sound, noise; 2) lightness, frivolity; 1a) voice; 1b) sound (of
instrument); #30, #70, #10, #50, #10, #6 = `ayin (H5869): {#16 as #176}
1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as
showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.);
#6, #10, #50, #70, #600 = nuwa` (H5128): {#17 as #176} 1) to quiver,
totter, shake, reel, stagger, wander, move, sift, make move, wave,
waver, tremble; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wave, quiver, vibrate, swing,
stagger, tremble, be unstable; 1a2) to totter, go tottering; 1a2a)
vagabond (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be tossed about or around; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to toss about; 1c2) to shake, cause to totter; 1c3) to
shake, disturb; 1c4) to cause to wander; #6, #5, #100, #30, #30, #5 =
qelalah (H7045): {#18 as #176} 1) curse, vilification, execration; #60,
#6, #60, #10, #600 = cuwc (H5483): {#19 as #176} 1) swallow, swift; 2)
horse; 2a) chariot horses; #70, #40, #6, #50, #10 = `Ammowniy (H5984):
{#20 as #176} 1) descendants of Ammon and inhabitants of Ammon; #6, #50,
#70, #30, #500 = na`al (H5275): {#21 as #176} 1) sandal, shoe; #10, #10,
#50, #100, #6 = yanaq (H3243): {#22 as #176} 1) to suckle, nurse, suck;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to suck; 1a2) suckling, babe (subst); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to give suck to, nurse; 1b2) nursing, nursing woman, nurse (participle);
#6, #70, #50, #10, #600 = `Aniym (H6044): {#23 as #176} 1) a town in the
mountains of southern Judah; #30, #100, #6, #30, #10 = qowl (H6963):
{#24 as #176} 1) voice, sound, noise; 2) lightness, frivolity; 1a)
voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #40, #100, #6, #30 = qowl (H6963):
{#25 as #176} 1) voice, sound, noise; 2) lightness, frivolity; 1a)
voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #2, #30, #80, #10, #4, #10, #600 =
lappiyd (H3940): {#26 as #176} 1) torch; #90, #6, #800 = Tsuwph (H6689):
{#27 as #176} 1) a Kohathite Levite, ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel; 2)
a district northwest of Jerusalem where Saul encountered Samuel; #6,
#90, #30, #40, #10 = tselem (H6754): {#28 as #176} 1) image; 1a) images
(of tumours, mice, heathen gods); 1b) image, likeness (of resemblance);
1c) mere, empty, image, semblance (fig.); #6, #70, #40, #4, #50, #6 =
`amad (H5975): {#29 as #176} 1) to stand, remain, endure, take one's
stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a standing
attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend upon, be or
become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or doing), cease;
1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure, persist, be
steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to stand
upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright; 1a6) to
arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up or
against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow flat,
grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to stand
firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect; 1b4)
to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish; 1c)
(Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #80, #90,
#6 = puwts (H6327): {#30 as #176} 1) to scatter, be dispersed, be
scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to break; 1a) (Qal) to be
dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scattered; 1b2) to be
spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d) Hithpael) scatter; 3a)
(Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to pieces; #40, #100, #30, #6 =
maqqel (H4731): {#31 as #176} 1) rod, staff; 1a) rod, stick; 1b) staff
(in travel); 1c) wand (of diviner); #40, #70, #6, #30, #30 = `owlel
(H5768): {#32 as #176} 1) child, boy; #6, #1, #90, #70, #4, #5 =
'ets`adah (H685): {#33 as #176} 1) armlet, bracelet, ankle chain; #6,
#10, #80, #10, #70 = Yaphiya` (H3309): {#34 as #176} 1) a town on the
border of Zebulun and Issachar; 2) the king of Lachish at the time of
the conquest of Canaan by Joshua; 3) a son of David by a concubine; 1a)
perhaps modern 'Yafa' m; #6, #60, #60, #10, #600 = cuwc (H5483): {#35 as
#176} 1) swallow, swift; 2) horse; 2a) chariot horses; #10, #6, #70,
#900 = ya`ats (H3289): {#36 as #176} 1) to advise, consult, give
counsel, counsel, purpose, devise, plan; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to advise,
counsel, give counsel, consult; 1a2) counsellor (participle); 1b)
(Niphal) to consult together, exchange counsel, deliberate, counsel
together; 1c) (Hithpael) to conspire; #40, #70, #6, #50, #10 = `avon
(H5771): {#37 as #176} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
punishment of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as
great), guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for
iniquity; #6, #50, #70, #10, #600 = na`iym (H5273): {#38 as #176} 1)
pleasant, delightful, sweet, lovely, agreeable; 2) singing, sweetly
sounding, musical; 1a) delightful; 1b) lovely, beautiful (physical);
#10, #90, #6, #70 = yatsuwa` (H3326): {#39 as #176} 1) couch, bed; #70,
#50, #50, #6 = `anah (H6030): {#40 as #176} 1) to answer, respond,
testify, speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to
dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond
as a witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered,
receive answer; #20, #60, #6, #60, #10, #500 = cuwc (H5483): {#41 as
#176} 1) swallow, swift; 2) horse; 2a) chariot horses; #6, #30, #100,
#30, #10 = qowl (H6963): {#42 as #176} 1) voice, sound, noise; 2)
lightness, frivolity; 1a) voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #90, #30,
#40, #10, #6 = tselem (H6754): {#43 as #176} 1) image; 1a) images (of
tumours, mice, heathen gods); 1b) image, likeness (of resemblance); 1c)
mere, empty, image, semblance (fig.); #6, #10, #70, #50, #600 = `anah
(H6031): {#44 as #176} 1) (Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to
afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1)
to be put down, become low; 2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to
be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow
down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble,
mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble, be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4)
to humble, weaken oneself; 2d) (Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be
humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble
oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted; #5, #70, #30, #10, #6, #50, #5 = 'elyown
(H5945): {#45 as #176} 1) high, upper; 2) Highest, Most High; 1a) of
Davidic king exalted above monarchs n m; 2a) name of God; 2b) of rulers,
either monarchs or angel-princes; #6, #60, #60, #40, #10 = Cicmay
(H5581): {#46 as #176} 1) a descendant of Sheshan in the line of
Jerahmeel; #6, #10, #40, #50, #70 = Yimna` (H3234): {#47 as #176} 1) son
of Helem, descendant of Asher, and leader of the tribe of Asher; #10,
#70, #6, #900 = Ye`uwts (H3263): {#48 as #176} 1) head of a house of
Benjamin; #6, #30, #40, #10, #40, #10, #600 = yowm (H3117): {#49 as
#176} 1) day, time, year; 1a) day (as opposed to night); 1b) day (24
hour period); 1b1) as defined by evening and morning in Genesis 1; 1b2)
as a division of time; 1b2a) a working day, a day's journey; 1c) days,
lifetime (pl.); 1d) time, period (general); 1e) year; 1f) temporal
references; 1f1) today; 1f2) yesterday; 1f3) tomorrow; #6, #70, #40,
#20, #600 = `im (H5973): {#50 as #176} 1) with; 1a) with; 1b) against;
1c) toward; 1d) as long as; 1e) beside, except; 1f) in spite of; #30,
#40, #70, #6, #30 = ma`al (H4603): {#51 as #176} 1) to act unfaithfully,
act treacherously, transgress, commit a trespass; 1a) (Qal) to act
unfaithfully or treacherously; 1a1) against man; 1a2) against God; 1a3)
against devoted thing; 1a4) against husband; #30, #10, #8, #7, #100,
#10, #5, #6 = Chizqiyah (H2396): {#52 as #176} 1) 12th king of Judah,
son of Ahaz and Abijah; a good king in that he served Jehovah and did
away with idolatrous practices; 2) great-great-grandfather of Zephaniah
the prophet; 3) son of Neariah, a descendant of David; 4) head of a
family of returning exiles in the time of Nehemiah; #10, #6, #10, #100,
#10, #600 = Yowyaqiym (H3113): {#53 as #176} 1) a priest and son of
Jeshua the high priest; #70, #50, #6, #10, #600 = `anav (H6035): {#54 as
#176} 1) poor, humble, afflicted, meek; 1a) poor, needy; 1b) poor and
weak; 1c) poor, weak and afflicted; 1d) humble, lowly, meek; #10, #20,
#60, #6, #800 = kacaph (H3700): {#55 as #176} 1) to long for, yearn for,
long after; 1a) (Qal) to long for; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to long for
(deeply); 1b2) being longed for (participle); #6, #50, #60, #50, #10 =
nacah (H5254): {#56 as #176} 1) to test, try, prove, tempt, assay, put
to the proof or test; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to test, try; 1a2) to attempt,
assay, try; 1a3) to test, try, prove, tempt; #1, #10, #70, #90, #5 =
ya`ats (H3289): {#57 as #176} 1) to advise, consult, give counsel,
counsel, purpose, devise, plan; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to advise, counsel, give
counsel, consult; 1a2) counsellor (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to consult
together, exchange counsel, deliberate, counsel together; 1c) (Hithpael)
to conspire; #6, #10, #70, #30, #50, #10 = `alah (H5927): {#58 as #176}
1) to go up, ascend, climb; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go up, ascend; 1a2) to
meet, visit, follow, depart, withdraw, retreat; 1a3) to go up, come up
(of animals); 1a4) to spring up, grow, shoot forth (of vegetation); 1a5)
to go up, go up over, rise (of natural phenomenon); 1a6) to come up
(before God); 1a7) to go up, go up over, extend (of boundary); 1a8) to
excel, be superior to; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be taken up, be brought up,
be taken away; 1b2) to take oneself away; 1b3) to be exalted; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to bring up, cause to ascend or climb, cause to go up;
1c2) to bring up, bring against, take away; 1c3) to bring up, draw up,
train; 1c4) to cause to ascend; 1c5) to rouse, stir up (mentally); 1c6)
to offer, bring up (of gifts); 1c7) to exalt; 1c8) to cause to ascend,
offer; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be carried away, be led up; 1d2) to be
taken up into, be inserted in; 1d3) to be offered; 1e) (Hithpael) to
lift oneself; #30, #40, #30, #20, #50, #6 = melek (H4428): {#59 as #176}
1) king; #10, #100, #30, #30, #6 = qalal (H7043): {#60 as #176} 1) to be
slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3)
to be trifling, be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift,
show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be
insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make
despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1)
to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or
dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel)
to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #10, #70, #90, #6 = ya`ats
(H3289): {#61 as #176} 1) to advise, consult, give counsel, counsel,
purpose, devise, plan; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to advise, counsel, give counsel,
consult; 1a2) counsellor (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to consult together,
exchange counsel, deliberate, counsel together; 1c) (Hithpael) to
conspire; #1, #50, #90, #30, #5 = natsal (H5337): {#62 as #176} 1) to
snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1)
to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #70, #10, #50, #40, #6 = `ayin (H5869): {#63 as #176} 1) eye;
2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing
mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.); #6,
#10, #80, #10, #30, #600 = naphal (H5307): {#64 as #176} 1) to fall,
lie, be cast down, fail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of
violent death); 1a3) to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4)
to fall upon, attack, desert, fall away to , go away to, fall into the
hand of; 1a5) to fall short, fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to
settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie
prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock
out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign
by lot, apportion by lot; 1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5)
to cause to fall; 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself,
throw oneself upon; 1c2) to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d)
(Pilel) to fall; #5, #6, #80, #10, #70, #5 = yapha` (H3313): {#65 as
#176} 1) to shine, shine forth or out, cause to shine, send out beams;
1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to shine out, shine forth, send out beams; 1a2) to
cause to shine; #6, #20, #60, #10, #30, #10, #600 = keciyl (H3684): {#66
as #176} 1) fool, stupid fellow, dullard, simpleton, arrogant one; #50,
#60, #6, #50, #10 = nacah (H5254): {#67 as #176} 1) to test, try, prove,
tempt, assay, put to the proof or test; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to test, try;
1a2) to attempt, assay, try; 1a3) to test, try, prove, tempt; #40, #90,
#6, #600 = tsowm (H6685): {#68 as #176} 1) fast, fasting; #60, #40, #6,
#20, #10, #600 = camak (H5564): {#69 as #176} 1) to lean, lay, rest,
support, put, uphold, lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon,
rest upon, lean against; 1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal)
to support or brace oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive;
#30, #90, #6, #700 = latsown (H3944): {#70 as #176} 1) scorning,
bragging; #6, #30, #90, #10, #600 = luwts (H3887): {#71 as #176} 1) to
scorn, make mouths at, talk arrogantly; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to boast; 1a2)
to scorn; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to mock, deride; 1b2) to interpret
(language); 1b2a) interpreter (participle); 1b2b) ambassador (fig.); 1c)
(Hithpalpel) to be inflated, scoff, act as a scorner, show oneself a
mocker; #6, #20, #70, #20, #60 = `ekec (H5914): {#72 as #176} 1) anklet,
bangle; #6, #60, #30, #800 = celeph (H5558): {#73 as #176} 1)
crookedness, perverseness, crooked dealing; #20, #70, #6, #800 = `owph
(H5775): {#74 as #176} 1) flying creatures, fowl, insects, birds; 1a)
fowl, birds; 1b) winged insects; #100, #40, #30, #6 = qamal (H7060):
{#75 as #176} 1) to be decayed, be withered; 1a) (Qal) to moulder, be
withered; #40, #6, #70, #4, #50, #6 = mow`ed (H4150): {#76 as #176} 1)
appointed place, appointed time, meeting; 1a) appointed time; 1a1)
appointed time (general); 1a2) sacred season, set feast, appointed
season; 1b) appointed meeting; 1c) appointed place; 1d) appointed sign
or signal; 1e) tent of meeting; #10, #10, #70, #80, #6 = ya`aph (H3286):
{#77 as #176} 1) to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1a) (Qal)
to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1b) (Hophal) wearied
(participle); #6, #10, #10, #70, #800 = ya`aph (H3286): {#78 as #176} 1)
to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1a) (Qal) to be or grow
weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1b) (Hophal) wearied (participle); #50,
#60, #40, #20, #6 = camak (H5564): {#79 as #176} 1) to lean, lay, rest,
support, put, uphold, lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon,
rest upon, lean against; 1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal)
to support or brace oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive;
#70, #30, #6, #40, #10, #500 = `aluwm (H5934): {#80 as #176} 1) youth,
youthful, vigour; #40, #90, #40, #1, #5 = tsim'ah (H6773): {#81 as #176}
1) parched condition, thirst, dehydration; #6, #20, #60, #40, #10, #600
= kuccemeth (H3698): {#82 as #176} 1) spelt - a wheat-like crop planted
and harvested in the fall or spring; #70, #40, #40, #6, #500 = `amam
(H6004): {#83 as #176} 1) to dim, darken, grow dark; 1a) (Qal) to dim,
eclipse, be held dark; 1b) (Hophal) to be dimmed, grow dark; #30, #60,
#6, #800 = cowph (H5491): {#84 as #176} 1) end, conclusion; #40, #70,
#10, #50, #6 = ma`yan (H4599): {#85 as #176} 1) spring; #6, #10, #50,
#100, #10 = yanaq (H3243): {#86 as #176} 1) to suckle, nurse, suck; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to suck; 1a2) suckling, babe (subst); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
give suck to, nurse; 1b2) nursing, nursing woman, nurse (participle);
#6, #40, #70, #10, #700 = ma`yan (H4599): {#87 as #176} 1) spring; #70,
#40, #6, #60 = `Amowc (H5986): {#88 as #176} 1) a prophet of the Lord
who prophesied in the northern kingdom; native of Tekoa in Judah near
Bethlehem and a shepherd by trade; author of the prophetic book by his
name; #1, #90, #80, #5 = tsaphah (H6822): {#89 as #176} 1) to look out
or about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a) (Qal) to keep watch, spy;
1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #6, #20, #80, #10, #60 = kaphiyc
(H3714): {#90 as #176} 1) rafter, girder (meaning dubious); #80, #60,
#30, #6 = pacal (H6458): {#91 as #176} 1) to cut, hew, hew into shape;
1a) (Qal) to hew, hew out, quarry; #1, #50, #5, #40, #70, #10 = anemos
(G417): {#92 as #176} 1) wind, a violent agitation and stream of air; 2)
a very strong tempestuous wind; 3) the four principal or cardinal winds,
hence the four corners of heaven; #5, #80, #10, #2, #30, #8, #40, #1 =
epiblema (G1915): {#93 as #176} 1) that which is thrown or put upon a
thing, or that which is added to it; 1a) an addition; 1b) that which is
sewed on to cover a rent, a patch; #4, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50, #10, #1,
#10 = diakonia (G1248): {#94 as #176} 1) service, ministering, esp. of
those who execute the commands of others; 2) of those who by the command
of God proclaim and promote religion among men; 3) the ministration of
those who render to others the offices of Christian affection esp. those
who help meet need by either collecting or distributing of charities; 4)
the office of the deacon in the church; 5) the service of those who
prepare and present food; 2a) of the office of Moses; 2b) of the office
of the apostles and its administration; 2c) of the office of prophets,
evangelists, elders etc.; #5, #80, #5, #20, #5, #10, #50, #1 = epekeina
(G1900): {#95 as #176} 1) beyond; #60, #5, #50, #10, #1, #50 = xenia
(G3578): {#96 as #176} 1) hospitality, hospitable reception; 2) a
lodging place, lodgings; #50, #5, #20, #100, #1 = nekros (G3498): {#97
as #176} 1) properly; 2) metaph.; 1a) one that has breathed his last,
lifeless; 1b) deceased, departed, one whose soul is in Hades; 1c)
destitute of life, without life, inanimate; 2a) spiritually dead; 2a1)
destitute of a life that recognises and is devoted to God, because given
up to trespasses and sins; 2a2) inactive as respects doing right; 2b)
destitute of force or power, inactive, inoperative; #20, #5, #20, #100,
#10, #20, #1 = krino (G2919): {#98 as #176} 1) to separate, put asunder,
to pick out, select, choose; 2) to approve, esteem, to prefer; 3) to be
of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion; 4) to determine, resolve,
decree; 5) to judge; 6) to rule, govern; 7) to contend together, of
warriors and combatants; 5a) to pronounce an opinion concerning right
and wrong; 5a1) to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one's case may
be examined and judgment passed upon it; 5b) to pronounce judgment, to
subject to censure; 5b1) of those who act the part of judges or arbiters
in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of
others; 6a) to preside over with the power of giving judicial decisions,
because it was the prerogative of kings and rulers to pass judgment; 7a)
to dispute; 7b) in a forensic sense; 7b1) to go to law, have suit at
law; #9, #30, #10, #2, #70, #40, #5, #9, #1 = thlibo (G2346): {#99 as
#176} 1) to press (as grapes), press hard upon; 2) a compressed way; 3)
metaph. to trouble, afflict, distress; 2a) narrow straitened, contracted;
To inform oneself through an inquisitive and deductive process of
elimination. In being descriptive of a natural aptitude as the rational
mind, practiced in acquiring knowledge and having explicit specification
within Categories of Understanding such as:
#384 as [#5, #300, #10, #3, #6, #50, #10] as nasag (H5381): 1) to reach,
overtake, take hold upon; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to overtake; 1a2) to reach,
attain to, cause to reach; 1a3) to be able to secure, reach, have enough;
#1: Sup: 5; Ego: 5,
#2: Sup: 62; Ego: 57,
#3: Sup: 72; Ego: 10,
#4: Sup: 75; Ego: 3,
#5: Sup: 81; Ego: 6,
#6: Sup: 50; Ego: 50,
#7: Sup: 60; Ego: 10,
Male: 405; Female: 141
Propounding the Essential; I-Ching: H11 - Peace, Pervading, Greatness;
Tetra: 15 - Reach / INNER: #36 - Natural Reversals, 'Secret'
Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - Juvenile Ignorance, Youthful Inexperience,
Enveloping, The young shoot, Discovering; Tetra: 12 - Youthfulness} #405
has 14 Categories:
#3, #2, #400 = gab (H1354): {#0 as #5} 1) convex
surface, back; 1a) back (of man); 1b) mound (for illicit worship); 1c)
boss (convex projection of shield); 1d) bulwarks, breastworks (of
arguments - fig.); 1e) brow, eyebrow; 1f) rim (of wheel); #40, #70,
#200, #40, #10, #5, #40 = ma`arom (H4636): {#1 as #350} 1) naked thing,
nakedness; #5, #40, #200, #90, #70 = martsea` (H4836): {#2 as #400} 1)
awl, boring-instrument; #40, #90, #200, #70, #5 = Tsor`ah (H6881): {#3
as #365} 1) a town in Dan, residence of Manoah and the home town of
Samson; #300, #100, #5 = Rabshaqeh (H7262): {#4 as #607} 1) chief
cupbearer, chief of the officers?; 1a) Rabshakeh; #5, #40, #200, #10,
#100, #10, #40 = ruwq (H7324): {#5 as #306} 1) to make empty, empty out;
1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to empty, keep empty or hungry; 1a2) to pour out or
down; 1a3) to empty out; 1b) (Hophal) to be emptied out; #40, #300, #20,
#40, #5 = shikmah (H7929): {#6 as #365} 1) shoulder, back; 1a) shoulder,
shoulder-blade; 1b) back (in general); #50, #300, #40, #9, #6 = shamat
(H8058): {#7 as #349} 1) to release, let drop or loose or rest or fall;
1a) (Qal) to let drop or fall; 1b) (Niphal) to be made to fall down, be
thrown down; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to let drop; 1c2) to release,
let drop; #4, #10, #1, #20, #100, #10, #200, #10, #50 = diakrisis
(G1253): {#8 as #555} 1) a distinguishing, discerning, judging; #5, #10,
#200, #4, #5, #60, #70, #40, #1, #10 = eisdechomai (G1523): {#9 as #945}
1) to receive kindly, to treat with favour; #5, #80, #10, #30, #70, #10,
#80, #70, #50 = epiloipos (G1954): {#10 as #555} 1) remaining besides,
left over; #5, #400 = eu (G2095): {#11 as #405} 1) to be well off, fare
well, prosper; 2) acting well; #30, #10, #40, #5, #50, #70, #200 = limen
(G3040): {#12 as #138} 1) a harbour, haven; #5, #80, #1, #9, #5, #300,
#5 = pascho (G3958): {#13 as #1681} 1) to be affected or have been
affected, to feel, have a sensible experience, to undergo; 1a) in a good
sense, to be well off, in good case; 1b) in a bad sense, to suffer
sadly, be in a bad plight; 1b1) of a sick person;
Rulership, Maintain One's Place; I-Ching: H15 - Modesty, Humbling;
Tetra: 5 - Keeping Small / INNER: #18 - Origin of Ethical Concepts,
Palliation of Vulgarity; I-Ching: H33 - Withdrawal, Retiring, Retreat,
Yielding; Tetra: 49 - Flight} #141 has 108 Categories:
#30, #40, #10,
#50, #5, #6 = miyn (H4327): {#0 as #141} 1) kind, sometimes a species
(usually of animals); #90, #1, #700 = tso'n (H6629): {#1 as #141} 1)
small cattle, sheep, sheep and goats, flock, flocks; 1a) small cattle
(usually of sheep and goats); 1b) of multitude (simile); 1c) of
multitude (metaphor); #6, #40, #8, #30, #2, #5, #700 = cheleb (H2459):
{#2 as #141} 1) fat; 1a) fat (of humans); 1b) fat (of beasts); 1c)
choicest, best part, abundance (of products of the land); #40, #90, #1,
#10 = matsa' (H4672): {#3 as #141} 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b)
to find (what is lost); 1a1c) to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a
condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise; 1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out;
1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess; 1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to
happen upon, meet, fall in with; 1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to be encountered, be lighted upon, be
discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be
detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to
be found in; 1b2b) to be in the possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a
place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be left (after war); 1b2e) to be present;
1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be found sufficient, be enough; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find, attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon,
come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to encounter; 1c4) to present (offering);
#5, #100, #30, #6 = qalal (H7043): {#4 as #141} 1) to be slight, be
swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling,
be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself
swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3)
to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to
curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light,
lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or dishonour; 1f)
(Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake
oneself, be moved to and fro; #1, #60, #800 = yacaph (H3254): {#5 as
#141} 1) to add, increase, do again; 1a) (Qal) to add, increase, do
again; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to join, join oneself to; 1b2) to be joined,
be added to; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to add, increase; 1c2) to do
more, do again; #10, #1, #40, #900 = 'amats (H553): {#6 as #141} 1) to
be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard; 1a) (Qal)
to be strong, brave, bold; 1b) (Piel) to strengthen, secure (for
oneself), harden (heart), make firm, make obstinate, assure; 1c)
(Hithpael) to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen oneself,
confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to; 1d) (Hiphil) to exhibit
strength, be strong, feel strong; #40, #90, #6, #5 = tsavah (H6680): {#7
as #141} 1) to command, charge, give orders, lay charge, give charge to,
order; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lay charge upon; 1a2) to give charge to, give
command to; 1a3) to give charge unto; 1a4) to give charge over, appoint;
1a5) to give charge, command; 1a6) to charge, command; 1a7) to charge,
commission; 1a8) to command, appoint, ordain (of divine act); 1b) (Pual)
to be commanded; #40, #30, #1, #20, #10, #600 = mal'ak (H4397): {#8 as
#141} 1) messenger, representative; 1a) messenger; 1b) angel; 1c) the
theophanic angel; #6, #10, #70, #50, #5 = `anah (H6031): {#9 as #141} 1)
(Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to afflict, oppress, humble, be
afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be put down, become low;
2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop;
2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be
humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble, mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble,
be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4) to humble, weaken oneself; 2d)
(Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to
afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted;
#6, #100, #5, #30 = qahal (H6951): {#10 as #141} 1) assembly, company,
congregation, convocation; 1a) assembly; 1a1) for evil counsel, war or
invasion, religious purposes; 1b) company (of returning exiles); 1c)
congregation; 1c1) as organised body; #6, #2, #3, #80, #700 = gephen
(H1612): {#11 as #141} 1) vine, vine tree; 1a) of Israel (fig.); 1b) of
stars fading at Jehovah's judgment (metaph.); 1c) of prosperity; #5,
#70, #6, #4, #50, #6 = `owd (H5750): {#12 as #141} 1) a going round,
continuance adv; 2) still, yet, again, besides; 2a) still, yet (of
continuance or persistence); 2b) still, yet, more (of addition or
repetition); 2c) again; 2d) still, moreover, besides; #10, #40, #90, #1
= matsa' (H4672): {#13 as #141} 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to find; 1a1a) to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to
find (what is lost); 1a1c) to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a
condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise; 1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out;
1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess; 1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to
happen upon, meet, fall in with; 1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to be encountered, be lighted upon, be
discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be
detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to
be found in; 1b2b) to be in the possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a
place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be left (after war); 1b2e) to be present;
1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be found sufficient, be enough; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find, attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon,
come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to encounter; 1c4) to present (offering);
#6, #5, #100, #30 = qowl (H6963): {#14 as #141} 1) voice, sound, noise;
2) lightness, frivolity; 1a) voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #6, #10,
#70, #40, #4, #5, #6 = `amad (H5975): {#15 as #141} 1) to stand, remain,
endure, take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be
in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself,
attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving
or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #1,
#80, #60 = 'aphec (H656): {#16 as #141} 1) (Qal) to cease, break, come
to an end; #6, #10, #50, #5, #30, #600 = nahal (H5095): {#17 as #141} 1)
to lead, give rest, lead with care, guide to a watering place or
station, cause to rest, bring to a station or place of rest, guide,
refresh; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lead to a watering-place or station and
cause to rest there; 1a2) to lead or bring to a station or goal; 1a3) to
lead, guide; 1a4) to give rest to; 1a5) to refresh (with food); 1b)
(Hithpael); 1b1) to lead on; 1b2) to journey by stations or stages; #1,
#90, #10, #600 = 'uwts (H213): {#18 as #141} 1) to press, be pressed,
make haste, urge, be narrow; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to press, hasten; 1a2) to
be pressed, confined, narrow; 1a3) to hasten, make haste; 1a4) be
narrow; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to urge, insist; 1b2) to hasten; #2, #50, #3,
#80, #6 = nagaph (H5062): {#19 as #141} 1) to strike, smite; 1a) (Qal)
to strike, smite; 1b) (Niphal) to be stricken, be smitten; 1c)
(Hithpael) to stumble; #5, #90, #10, #30, #6 = natsal (H5337): {#20 as
#141} 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn
out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to
deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue,
recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to
deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e)
(Hithpael) to strip oneself; #1, #90, #10, #30, #10 = 'atsiyl (H678):
{#21 as #141} 1) side, corner, chief; 2) (CLBL) nobles (fig.); #5, #6,
#50, #800 = nuwph (H5130): {#22 as #141} 1) to move to and fro, wave,
besprinkle; 1a) (Qal) to besprinkle, sprinkle; 1b) (Polel) to wave,
brandish (in threat); 1c) (Hiphil) to swing, wield, wave; 1c1) to wield;
1c2) to wave or shake (the hand); 1c2a) to wave (hand); 1c2b) to shake
or brandish against; 1c2c) to swing to and fro; 1c3) to wave (an
offering), offer; 1c4) to shed abroad; 1d) (Hophal) to be waved; #6,
#50, #6, #4, #70, #5 = yada` (H3045): {#23 as #141} 1) to know; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive;
1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #40, #30, #1, #10, #20, #600 = millu' (H4394): {#24 as
#141} 1) setting, installation; 1a) setting, stones for setting; 1b)
installation (of priests); #5, #1, #50, #80, #5 = 'anaphah (H601): {#25
as #141} 1) an unclean bird; 1a) perhaps an heron; #10, #50, #1, #800 =
na'aph (H5003): {#26 as #141} 1) to commit adultery; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
commit adultery; 1a1a) usually of man; 1a1a1) always with wife of
another; 1a1b) adultery (of women) (participle); 1a2) idolatrous worship
(fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to commit adultery; 1b1a) of man; 1b1b)
adultery (of women) (participle); 1b2) idolatrous worship (fig.); #30,
#80, #30, #1 = pala' (H6381): {#27 as #141} 1) to be marvellous, be
wonderful, be surpassing, be extraordinary, separate by distinguishing
action; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be beyond one's power, be difficult to do;
1a2) to be difficult to understand; 1a3) to be wonderful, be
extraordinary; 1a3a) marvellous (participle); 1b) (Piel) to separate (an
offering); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to do extraordinary or hard or difficult
thing; 1c2) to make wonderful, do wondrously; 1d) (Hithpael) to show
oneself wonderful or marvellous; #6, #50, #60, #20, #5 = necek (H5262):
{#28 as #141} 1) drink offering, libation, molten image, something
poured out; 1a) drink offering; 1b) molten images; #6, #5, #70, #40,
#10, #4, #6 = `amad (H5975): {#29 as #141} 1) to stand, remain, endure,
take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #5,
#100, #6, #30 = qowl (H6963): {#30 as #141} 1) voice, sound, noise; 2)
lightness, frivolity; 1a) voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #50, #1,
#40, #700 = 'aman (H539): {#31 as #141} 1) to support, confirm, be
faithful; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to support, confirm, be faithful, uphold,
nourish; 1a1a) foster-father (subst.); 1a1b) foster-mother, nurse; 1a1c)
pillars, supporters of the door; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be established,
be faithful, be carried, make firm; 1b1a) to be carried by a nurse;
1b1b) made firm, sure, lasting; 1b1c) confirmed, established, sure;
1b1d) verified, confirmed; 1b1e) reliable, faithful, trusty; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in;
1c1a) stand firm; 1c1b) trust, believe; #30, #1, #30, #800 = 'eleph
(H505): {#32 as #141} 1) a thousand; 2) a thousand, company; 1a) as
numeral; 2a) as a company of men under one leader, troops; #1, #30, #80,
#10, #500 = 'eleph (H504): {#33 as #141} 1) cattle, oxen; 1a) in
farming; 1b) as a possession; #6, #5, #8, #7, #10, #100, #5 = chazaq
(H2388): {#34 as #141} 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong,
become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail
upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be
urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to
be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make
strong; 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to
make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make
strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to
make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail
upon; 1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain,
support; 1c9) to hold, contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen
oneself; 1d2) to put forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to
withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly with; #5, #90, #40, #1, #5 = tsame'
(H6771): {#35 as #141} 1) thirsty; #6, #80, #50, #5 = panah (H6437):
{#36 as #141} 1) to turn; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn toward or from or
away; 1a2) to turn and do; 1a3) to turn, decline (of day); 1a4) to turn
toward, approach (of evening); 1a5) to turn and look, look, look back or
at or after or for; 1b) (Piel) to turn away, put out of the way, make
clear, clear away; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to turn; 1c2) to make a turn, show
signs of turning, turn back; 1d) (Hophal) to be turned back; #30, #70,
#6, #30, #5 = `olah (H5930): {#37 as #141} 1) whole burnt offering; 2)
ascent, stairway, steps; #6, #40, #7, #2, #6, #30, #700 = Zebuwluwn
(H2074): {#38 as #141} 1) the 10th of the sons of Jacob, 6th and last of
Leah; progenitor of Zebulun; 2) the tribe descended from Zebulun; 3) the
land allocated to the tribe of Zebulun; #5, #6, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada`
(H3045): {#39 as #141} 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to
know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find
out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by
experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to
consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person
carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be
wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become known, be
revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be
instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know;
1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known, acquaintance
(participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be
made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal oneself; #50,
#90, #1 = yatsa' (H3318): {#40 as #141} 1) to go out, come out, exit, go
forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go
forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward, proceed to (to or toward
something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with purpose or for result); 1a5)
to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to go or come out, bring
out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to lead out; 1b4) to deliver;
1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #40, #70, #6, #20, #5 = ma`ak
(H4600): {#41 as #141} 1) to press, squeeze; 1a) (Qal) to be crushed;
1b) (Pual) to be handled, be pressed; #2, #40, #90, #4, #5 = matsuwd
(H4686): {#42 as #141} 1) net, prey, net prey; 2) fastness, stronghold;
1a) net; 1b) prey; #6, #2, #50, #3, #70, #10 = nega` (H5061): {#43 as
#141} 1) stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot; 1a) stroke, wound;
1b) stroke (metaphorical of disease); 1c) mark (of leprosy); #6, #40,
#70, #20, #5 = Ma`akah (H4601): {#44 as #141} 1) father of Achish, king
of Gath at the beginning of Solomon's reign; 2) father of Hanan, one of
David's mighty warriors; 3) a Simeonite, father of Shephatiah, prince of
his tribe in the reign of David; 4) son of Nahor by concubine Reumah f;
5) daughter of king Talmai of Geshur, wife or David, and mother of
Absalom; 6) daughter of Absalom, wife of king Rehoboam of Judah, and
mother of king Abijam of Judah; 7) concubine of Caleb the son of Hezron;
8) wife of Machir of the tribe of Manasseh; 9) wife of Jehiel, father of
Gibeon Maachathites = 'pressure (literally she has pressed)'; 10) a
mercenary people hired to fight David; #50, #1, #900 = na'ats (H5006):
{#45 as #141} 1) to spurn, contemn, despise, abhor; 1a) (Qal) to spurn,
contemn; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to spurn; 1b2) to cause to contemn; 1c)
(Hiphil) to spurn; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be contemned; #6, #5, #90, #10,
#30 = natsal (H5337): {#46 as #141} 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue,
save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver
oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to
strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away,
snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or
troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to
be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself; #40, #20, #60, #1, #500
= kicce' (H3678): {#47 as #141} 1) seat (of honour), throne, seat,
stool; 1a) seat (of honour), throne; 1b) royal dignity, authority, power
(fig.); #30, #5, #40, #30, #10, #20, #6 = malak (H4427): {#48 as #141}
1) to be or become king or queen, reign; 2) to counsel, advise; 1a)
(Qal) to be or become king or queen, reign; 1b) (Hiphil) to make one
king or queen, cause to reign; 1c) (Hophal) to be made king or queen;
2a) (Niphal) to consider; #6, #40, #40, #30, #20, #5 = mamlakah (H4467):
{#49 as #141} 1) kingdom, dominion, reign, sovereignty; 1a) kingdom,
realm; 1b) sovereignty, dominion; 1c) reign; #2, #70, #7, #2, #20, #600
= `azab (H5800): {#50 as #141} 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to
restore, repair; 1a) (Qal) to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind,
leave, let alone; 1a2) to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise;
1a3) to let loose, set free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left
to; 1b2) to be forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair;
#5, #40, #40, #50, #6 = min (H4480): {#51 as #141} 1) from, out of, on
account of, off, on the side of, since, above, than, so that not, more
than; 2) that; 1a) from (expressing separation), off, on the side of;
1b) out of; 1b1) (with verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2)
(of material from which something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin);
1c) out of, some of, from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of
time); 1e) than, more than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to,
both...and, either...or; 1g) than, more than, too much for (in
comparisons); 1h) from, on account of, through, because (with
infinitive) conj; #6, #50, #9, #70, #6 = nata` (H5193): {#52 as #141} 1)
to plant, fasten, fix, establish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to plant; 1a2) to
plant, establish (fig.); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be planted; 1b2) to be
established (fig.); #1, #80, #30, #30 = 'Ephlal (H654): {#53 as #141} 1)
a descendant of Pharez; #1, #40, #50, #700 = 'Amnown (H550): {#54 as
#141} 1) oldest son of David, rapist of Tamar, slain by Absalom; 2) a
son of Shimon (of Caleb's clan); #1, #40, #90, #10 = 'Amtsiy (H557):
{#55 as #141} 1) a Levite; 2) the ancestor of a returned exile in the
priestly line; #6, #20, #50, #50, #10, #5 = Kenanyah (H3663): {#56 as
#141} 1) a Levite song leader who assisted in the procession of
transporting the ark; 2) an Izharites officer of David; #6, #30, #5,
#80, #500 = haphak (H2015): {#57 as #141} 1) to turn, overthrow,
overturn; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to overturn, overthrow; 1a2) to turn, turn
about, turn over, turn around; 1a3) to change, transform; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to turn oneself, turn, turn back; 1b2) to change oneself; 1b3) to
be perverse; 1b4) to be turned, be turned over, be changed, be turned
against; 1b5) to be reversed; 1b6) to be overturned, be overthrown; 1b7)
to be upturned; 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to transform oneself; 1c2) to turn
this way and that, turn every way; 1d) (Hophal) to turn on someone; #20,
#50, #50, #10, #5, #6 = Kenanyah (H3663): {#58 as #141} 1) a Levite song
leader who assisted in the procession of transporting the ark; 2) an
Izharites officer of David; #5, #20, #10, #50, #50, #6 = kuwn (H3559):
{#59 as #141} 1) to be firm, be stable, be established; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to be set up, be established, be fixed; 1a1a) to be firmly
established; 1a1b) to be established, be stable, be secure, be enduring;
1a1c) to be fixed, be securely determined; 1a2) to be directed aright,
be fixed aright, be steadfast (moral sense); 1a3) to prepare, be ready;
1a4) to be prepared, be arranged, be settled; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
establish, set up, accomplish, do, make firm; 1b2) to fix, make ready,
prepare, provide, provide for, furnish; 1b3) to direct toward (moral
sense); 1b4) to arrange, order; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be established, be
fastened; 1c2) to be prepared, be ready; 1d) (Polel); 1d1) to set up,
establish; 1d2) to constitute, make; 1d3) to fix; 1d4) to direct; 1e)
(Pulal) to be established, be prepared; 1f) (Hithpolel) to be
established, be restored; #6, #40, #7, #2, #30, #6, #700 = Zebuwluwn
(H2074): {#60 as #141} 1) the 10th of the sons of Jacob, 6th and last of
Leah; progenitor of Zebulun; 2) the tribe descended from Zebulun; 3) the
land allocated to the tribe of Zebulun; #70, #30, #40, #1 = `alam
(H5957): {#61 as #141} 1) perpetuity, antiquity, for ever; #20, #5, #50,
#10, #50, #6 = kohen (H3548): {#62 as #141} 1) priest, principal officer
or chief ruler; 1a) priest-king (Melchizedek, Messiah); 1b) pagan
priests; 1c) priests of Jehovah; 1d) Levitical priests; 1e) Zadokite
priests; 1f) Aaronic priests; 1g) the high priest; #6, #10, #9, #30,
#30, #50, #6 = talal (H2926): {#63 as #141} 1) (Piel) to cover with a
roof, cover over, roof; #6, #50, #6, #70, #4, #5 = ya`ad (H3259): {#64
as #141} 1) to fix, appoint, assemble, meet, set, betroth; 1a) (Qal) to
appoint, assign, designate; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to meet; 1b2) to meet by
appointment; 1b3) to gather, assemble by appointment; 1c) (Hiphil) to
cause to meet; 1d) (Hophal) to be set, be placed before, be fixed; #60,
#10, #70, #1 = Ciy`a' (H5517): {#65 as #141} 1) ancestor of a family of
temple slaves who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; #6, #70, #50,
#10, #5 = `Anayah (H6043): {#66 as #141} 1) a priest who helped Ezra and
signed the covenant with Nehemiah; #5, #50, #30, #6, #10, #600 = lavah
(H3867): {#67 as #141} 1) to join, be joined; 2) to borrow, lend; 1a)
(Qal) to join, be joined, attend; 1b) (Niphal) to join oneself to, be
joined unto; 2a) (Qal) to borrow; 2b) (Hiphil) to cause to borrow, lend
to; #6, #70, #40, #6, #4, #10, #5 = `ammuwd (H5982): {#68 as #141} 1)
pillar, column; 1a) pillar; 1b) column, upright; 1c) column (of smoke);
#1, #40, #10, #900 = 'ammiyts (H533): {#69 as #141} 1) strong, mighty;
#1, #70, #50, #500 = `anah (H6030): {#70 as #141} 1) to answer, respond,
testify, speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to
dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond
as a witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered,
receive answer; #6, #80, #10, #5, #600 = peh (H6310): {#71 as #141} 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #10, #1, #50, #800 = 'anaph (H599): {#72 as #141} 1) to
be angry, to be displeased, to breathe hard; 1a) (Qal) to be angry (of
God); 1b) (Hithpael) to be angry (always of God); #10, #70, #50, #5, #6
= `anah (H6030): {#73 as #141} 1) to answer, respond, testify, speak,
shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; #6,
#50, #40, #30, #9, #6 = malat (H4422): {#74 as #141} 1) to slip away,
escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away;
1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip
out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #10, #20, #6, #50, #50,
#5 = kuwn (H3559): {#75 as #141} 1) to be firm, be stable, be
established; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be set up, be established, be fixed;
1a1a) to be firmly established; 1a1b) to be established, be stable, be
secure, be enduring; 1a1c) to be fixed, be securely determined; 1a2) to
be directed aright, be fixed aright, be steadfast (moral sense); 1a3) to
prepare, be ready; 1a4) to be prepared, be arranged, be settled; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to establish, set up, accomplish, do, make firm; 1b2) to
fix, make ready, prepare, provide, provide for, furnish; 1b3) to direct
toward (moral sense); 1b4) to arrange, order; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be
established, be fastened; 1c2) to be prepared, be ready; 1d) (Polel);
1d1) to set up, establish; 1d2) to constitute, make; 1d3) to fix; 1d4)
to direct; 1e) (Pulal) to be established, be prepared; 1f) (Hithpolel)
to be established, be restored; #40, #5, #40, #6, #700 = hamown (H1995):
{#76 as #141} 1) (Qal) murmur, roar, crowd, abundance, tumult, sound;
1a) sound, murmur, rush, roar; 1b) tumult, confusion; 1c) crowd,
multitude; 1d) great number, abundance; 1e) abundance, wealth; #40, #1,
#60, #600 = ma'ac (H3988): {#77 as #141} 1) to reject, despise, refuse;
2) (Niphal) to flow, run; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to reject, refuse; 1a2) to
despise; 1b) (Niphal) to be rejected; #10, #5, #30, #40, #6, #700 =
halam (H1986): {#78 as #141} 1) (Qal) to smite, strike, hammer, strike
down; #6, #10, #40, #70, #9, #6 = ma`at (H4591): {#79 as #141} 1) to be
or become small, be few, be diminished; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to diminish;
1a2) to be too small; 1b) (Piel) to become few; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
make small, make few, diminish; 1c2) to give less; #100, #6, #30, #5 =
qowl (H6963): {#80 as #141} 1) voice, sound, noise; 2) lightness,
frivolity; 1a) voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #5, #30, #40, #6, #50,
#10 = halam (H1986): {#81 as #141} 1) (Qal) to smite, strike, hammer,
strike down; #1, #40, #50, #10, #600 = 'emuwn (H529): {#82 as #141} 1)
faithfulness, trusting; 1a) faithful, trusty (as adj.); #6, #90, #5,
#30, #10 = tsahal (H6670): {#83 as #141} 1) to neigh, cry shrilly; 2)
(Hiphil) to make shining; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to neigh (of men as stallions
- fig.); 1a2) (Piel) to cry shrilly (in distress); #6, #40, #90, #5 =
matstsah (H4683): {#84 as #141} 1) strife, contention; #10, #90, #5,
#30, #6 = tsahal (H6670): {#85 as #141} 1) to neigh, cry shrilly; 2)
(Hiphil) to make shining; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to neigh (of men as stallions
- fig.); 1a2) (Piel) to cry shrilly (in distress); #10, #8, #7, #10,
#100, #6 = chazaq (H2388): {#86 as #141} 1) to strengthen, prevail,
harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be
resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to
prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure;
1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard
(bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength;
1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold,
encourage; 1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to
display strength; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair;
1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or take or keep hold of,
retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold, contain; 1d)
(Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put forth strength, use
one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly with; #40, #1,
#20, #10, #30, #600 = 'akal (H398): {#87 as #141} 1) to eat, devour,
burn up, feed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to eat,
devour (of beasts and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire); 1a4) to
devour, slay (of sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate
subjects - ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of oppression); 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be devoured, consumed (of
fire); 1b3) to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to
cause to eat, feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
feed; 1d2) to cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1) consume; #6, #40, #40, #50,
#5 = min (H4480): {#88 as #141} 1) from, out of, on account of, off, on
the side of, since, above, than, so that not, more than; 2) that; 1a)
from (expressing separation), off, on the side of; 1b) out of; 1b1)
(with verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2) (of material from
which something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin); 1c) out of, some
of, from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of time); 1e) than, more
than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to, both...and, either...or; 1g)
than, more than, too much for (in comparisons); 1h) from, on account of,
through, because (with infinitive) conj; #5, #80, #50, #6 = panah
(H6437): {#89 as #141} 1) to turn; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn toward or
from or away; 1a2) to turn and do; 1a3) to turn, decline (of day); 1a4)
to turn toward, approach (of evening); 1a5) to turn and look, look, look
back or at or after or for; 1b) (Piel) to turn away, put out of the way,
make clear, clear away; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to turn; 1c2) to make a turn,
show signs of turning, turn back; 1d) (Hophal) to be turned back; #70,
#6, #30, #30, #5 = `alal (H5953): {#90 as #141} 1) to act severely, deal
with severely, make a fool of someone; 2) (Poel) to glean; 3) (Poel) to
act or play the child; 4) (Poel) to insert, thrust, thrust in, thrust
upon; 1a) (Poel) to act severely; 1b) (Poal) to be severely dealt with;
1c) (Hithpael) to busy oneself, divert oneself, deal wantonly, deal
ruthlessly, abuse (by thrusting through); 1d) (Hithpoel) to practise
practices, thrust forth (in wickedness); #6, #5, #50, #60, #500 = necek
(H5262): {#91 as #141} 1) drink offering, libation, molten image,
something poured out; 1a) drink offering; 1b) molten images; #100, #1,
#600 = quwm (H6966): {#92 as #141} 1) to arise, stand; 1a) (P'al); 1a1)
to arise from; 1a2) to come on the scene (fig); 1a3) to arise (out of
inaction); 1a4) to stand; 1a5) to endure; 1b) (Pael) to set up,
establish; 1c) (Aphel); 1c1) to set up; 1c2) to lift up; 1c3) to
establish; 1c4) to appoint; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to stand; #1, #5,
#6, #4, #70, #50, #5 = yeda` (H3046): {#93 as #141} 1) to know; 1a)
(P'al) to know; 1b) (Aphel) to let someone know, communicate, inform,
cause to know; #80, #60, #1 = pac (H6447): {#94 as #141} 1) palm of the
hand; #1, #80, #4, #50, #6 = 'appeden (H643): {#95 as #141} 1) palace;
#5, #90, #6, #600 = tsuwm (H6684): {#96 as #141} 1) (Qal) to abstain
from food, fast; #40, #80, #10, #5, #6 = peh (H6310): {#97 as #141} 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #1, #30, #30, #70, #10 = allos (G243): {#98 as #141} 1)
another, other For Synonyms see entry 5806; #20, #1, #40, #70, #10 =
kago (G2504): {#99 as #141} 1) and I; 2) I also, I as well, I likewise,
in like manner I; 3) even I, this selfsame I; #20, #70, #10, #30, #10,
#1 = koilia (G2836): {#100 as #141} 1) the whole belly, the entire
cavity; 2) the lower belly, the lower region, the receptacle of the
excrement; 3) the gullet; 4) the womb, the place where the foetus is
conceived and nourished until birth; 5) the innermost part of a man, the
soul, heart as the seat of thought, feeling, choice; 1a) the upper [i.e.
stomach] and the lower belly are distinguished; 3a) to be given up to
the pleasures of the palate, to gluttony; 4a) of the uterus of animals;
#40, #50, #1, #50 = mna (G3414): {#101 as #141} 1) in the OT, a weight
of 300 shekels was one pound; 2) In the NT, a weight and sum of money
equal to 100 drachmae, one talent was 100 pounds, a pound equalled 10
1/3 oz. (300 gm); #20, #5, #10, #40, #5, #50, #1, #10 = keimai (G2749):
{#102 as #141} 1) to lie; 2) metaph.; 1a) of an infant; 1b) of one
buried; 1c) of things that quietly cover some spot; 1c1) of a city
situated on a hill; 1d) of things put or set in any place, in ref. to
which we often use Vto standV; 1d1) of vessels, of a throne, of the site
of a city, of grain and other things laid up together, of a foundation;
2a) to be (by God's intent) set, i.e. destined, appointed; 2b) of laws,
to be made, laid down; 2c) lies in the power of the evil one, i.e. is
held in subjection by the devil; #8, #50, #5, #3, #20, #5, #50 = phero
(G5342): {#103 as #141} 1) to carry; 2) to bear, i.e. endure, to endure
the rigour of a thing, to bear patiently one's conduct, or spare one
(abstain from punishing or destroying); 3) to bring, bring to, bring
forward; 1a) to carry some burden; 1a1) to bear with one's self; 1b) to
move by bearing; move or, to be conveyed or borne, with the suggestion
of force or speed; 1b1) of persons borne in a ship over the sea; 1b2) of
a gust of wind, to rush; 1b3) of the mind, to be moved inwardly,
prompted; 1c) to bear up i.e. uphold (keep from falling); 1c1) of
Christ, the preserver of the universe; 3a) to move to, apply; 3b) to
bring in by announcing, to announce; 3c) to bear i.e. bring forth,
produce; to bring forward in a speech; 3d) to lead, conduct; #30, #1,
#9, #100, #1 = lathra (G2977): {#104 as #141} 1) secretly; #5, #60, #10,
#5, #50, #1, #10 = exeimi (G1826): {#105 as #141} 1) to go forth, go
out; #20, #70, #40, #1, #10 = komao (G2863): {#106 as #141} 1) to let
the hair grow, have long hair; #20, #10, #9, #1, #100, #1 = kithara
(G2788): {#107 as #141} 1) a harp to which praises of God are sung in
That in my view, punctiliousness has an intrinsic phonetic
correspondence and is a functional cognitive characteristic which is
intrinsic of the mind and this process is not all unlike the initial
starting point of this chapter by its specific construction of
meticulous narrative as neural linguistic streaming and it's subsequent
refinement until it was satisfactory.
For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, as Cambridge University researchers have
"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc
conrecoednprse and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."
- dolf
Initial Post: Passover / Easter Saturday 31 March 2018
YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"
NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND*
*ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5,
#200 as harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a
extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL*
Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th
May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice
of an Application for Planning Permit
Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
(translation published within English as first European language in
1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated
with the theory of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology
reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and
the zodiac.
It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTATIS comprising #81 trinomial
tetragrammaton x 4.5 day = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
which is an amalgam of the 64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as
trinomial tetragrammaton rather than its encapsulated contrived use as
the microcosm to redefine the macrocosm as the quintessence of the
Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial canon of transposition as HETEROS
The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is
permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN
That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as
<http://www.grapple369.com/Grapple.zip> (Download resources)
After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean